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History of the Wolds Wagoners Special Reserve - page 24

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Corps RPC
Material type Books
Book page
Chapter head
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Chapter number
Full title History of the Wolds Wagoners Special Reserve
Page number
Publication date 1988
Real page
Colour Yes
Grey No
Early date 1908
Late date 1983
'he two memorials at Sledmere
to the Wagoners Special
Reserve should be seen by everyone
connected with the R.A.S.C. In the
Yorkshire Herald of 5th July, 1920, is
a description of one of these
'The memorial, whit'll is of a
noble character, has been hi lilt to
the designs of the late ("obnel Sir
Mark Sykes, and its originality is
characteristic of him. It slum Is 20
feet high on an octagonal, bast*, and
has a round central column
surrounded by four slender columns.
It is built of white Portland stone
and the work has been done by Mr.
A. Barr, the estate mason. The
principal feature of the memorial is a
series of sculpturing executed by Mr.
Carlo Magnoni, of London, to the
designs of the late Sir Mark Sykes.
These are on the central column,
and depict the activities of the
W a g o n e r s R e s e r v e from its
inception. Round the top of the
column is seen a plan of the field at
Fimber, where the annual wagon
driving competitions, organized by
Sir Mark, took place. Next is
depicted Captain Sykes, A.S.C.,
enrolling t h e m e n , and an
inscription testifies to the fact that
1,000 men were enrolled from
Martinmas, 1912, to 1914. The
reservists are next depicted in the
harvest fields receiving their
mobilization papers, and further on
they are shown bidding farewell to
their wives and children. Their
embarkation for France is depicted,
and on the bottom of the column
are examples of German pillage and
cruelty, and the series concludes
with a representation of a Wagoner
Reservist facing four Germans.
Underneath are several verses,
being the composition of the late Sir
Mark Sykes, inscribed in Saxon
When fra thease wolds XII hundred men
Came forth fro' field and fold and pen
To stand agair' the Law of Might
To labor and to dee for right
And so to save tl\e world fro' wrong
To shield the weak and bind the strong.
These steanes a noble tale do tell
Of wliat men did when war befell
And in that fourteen harvest-tide
The call for lads went far and wide
To help to save the world fro' wrong
To shield the weak and bind the strong.
Good lads and dames our Ridings pride
These steanes are set by this road side
This tale your childrens bains to tell
On what ye did when war befell
To help to save the world fro' wrong
To shield the weak and bind the strong.'
These simple lads knew nowt of war
They only knew that Gods own Law
Which Satans will controls must fall
Unless men then did heed that call
To gan to save the world fro' wrong
To shield the weak and bind the strong.
Ere Britains hordes were paved or planned
The lads whae joined t/iis homely band
To Normandy had passed o'er sea
Where some were maimed and some did dee
And all to save the world fro' wrong
To shield the weak and bind the strong.
Book number R0397