Image details
ID | |
Full name | George Ivor Ryder, Watson Wood Fletcher, George Luke, James Ashcroft, Jack Butler, Edward Casey, Alexander Gordon, William McDine, Roland C McDonald |
Surname | Ryder, Fletcher, Luke, Ashcroft, Butler, Casey, Gordon, McDine, McDonald |
First name | George Ivor, Watson Wood, George, James, Jack, Edward, Alexander, William, Roland C |
X page | 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311, 6311 |
Damaged service number | , , , , , , , , |
Transcription |
W5389 . M2519 / 8 / 17-2,000 Bks.-Wt. & Sons . Ltd. 1255 ARMY N R AND Regl . No. M. S.R. T 930 R RYDER . -48351 NAME ( in full ) ( Surname first ) s lappe , Keppten Con , duklen 다 . 6932R LUKE . S 6931 R FLETCHER . Watson 15.3.19 22. Havre Wood . 2948352 Date of Attesta tion 53 RE - ENLISTED 12.391 Alexander . under A. 0. 355/24 TORBUTLER . Age on Attest ation Sup C935 R CASEV • Forge 14.3 . 1921 , ve Rouen . Ivor Attestation or Transfer Place of Attestation Peorge 12.3.19277 Masuch 12.3 . 19:20 12 2012 Tourcoing Jack Coy . Dublin 3 to dward 6. 2. 1921 15 Germant Transfer to or from Regiment or Corps and Date Trade on Enlistment Labourer Clerks blert ool . maker . PERIOD of MOBILIZED PARISH . OTENIBODIED SERVICE -Parish -Town TOWN County Place of Birth FROM 5.9.5 . 0. Singupere . 17.10.26 ( 80/26 ) . Selbs for 1.2 , 16 30 608 4. 5. ) – die mens nicht in ( 140 de ani ) - 6 , a la sala ) T6933 R ASHCROFT . James.24 . 1.19.20 baudas Sailors Presser Blacksmu th TO Neu Hecon hamy Father , Full Name and Nationality of Woman to whom married , and Name of each Child ( if any ) ( in ink ) ; if unmarried , name and address of next - of - kin stating relationship ( in pencil ) Gloucester Quas . Glos . Nevähem - on . Severn 6 John He maidstone mother , b . Gescher 51 Nepper Mone Ai Maidstone mufe Laués عملیار Hent . Newington Wifi Anna Martha sehr . Edinburgh Miles Vera Violet Vernon , ( Spinster ) . Platting Remingham nother Mr. A. Butte Marivich 5/55 Promagen Bermingham Govon Mr. B Glasgon 91 Raffter de Ber Renherd |
Army number | 6930, 6931, 6932, 6933, 6934, 6935, 7576966, 7576967, 7576968 |
Regiment number | , , , , , , , , |
Service number | , , , , , , , , |