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tu Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child P.4 . Chapel Hlutter pradfiele Berbes 5-9-19 Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind " The Great War FRANCE 199.EGYPT 1919 . British War Medal Vistory Medal . " The Great War " PRANCE 1919 1918-19 Egypt 1916 to 1918 British War Medal Victory Medal . " " The Great Wai FRANCE EGYPT 1919-20 . MUDROS 1950 , British War Mesal Victory Medal . " The Great War FRANCE 1979 , EGYPT 1919 1914/15 Star . British War Medal Victory medal . The Great War FRANCE 1914-19 British War Medal Victory Metal The Great Wa FRANCE1979 . EGYPT 1919 Date 31-3-22 Y 31-3-22 31-3-22 31-3-22 31-3-22 31-3-22 ness Stan British War Messe listory Medal Place y 2460 . Y 1766 . Discharge or becoming Non - Effective Cause Zof E. ( 66590 ) IfE ( 66079 ) 7. fe ( 66140 ) T of 8 . ( 664407 ) L.of. E. ( 6209 ) 2. of E. Rank and Character on Discharge 5 ( Excoup ) 57 ( exemp ) 52 ( 15 ) Dr ( Good ) 5 ( 1.5 . ) Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) Address on Discharge 14 Garford to Poplar . E14 . 14 , Summerhill Ba . 1.6 Dublin . 735913 Station Road Mortioner . Reading PARTICULARS of FORMER SERVICE giving CORPS and No Main Road Condorrat Remarka RENARKS R.a. 1.6 . 12/11155 . Ra . 16 . 1/302 61 Ra.SC. N. Glasgow 14/040947 24/040947 30 Hawthorne Sim Pa . 1.6 . R.A.S.C. Cath . / 418514 . Hoine Farme botts . Ra . 16 Culhampstead 13/028077 . ur Reading 147 N A bop A 21-11 A bapt bapt A Light |
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