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ish les . Mf . Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Rech . St. James 23-10 . 12 Dublin . 14-11-12 Tonbridge . 3.9.25 bologne 15. 10. 2 Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind The Great War FRANCE 119 1916-19 . Home 17/19 to GERMANY 19 Hence 1914-19 1914 Star blasp Fritish War Medal Vistory Thedal . 1914-19 thome at fontos tho 1914 Star & Clack medal Frapafe Cancelled . British War Medal 17.7.22 . 101. 45 loy Para 392oxwick for ( tan ) Victory Medal . ( 69126 ) The Great War aRes bec B * " The Great Was 26.10-22 ap toy FRANCE , 19 , RHINE 1930 Train مه ما victory medal . " The Great War France 1914-19 . British War Medol Vectory medal The Great War FRANCE 7-1919 RHINEN1920 Home 7 7/19 to 5/20 British War Mesol Victor medal . Y " The Great Warn . GERMANY 191 France 1916-19 . Date EGYPT 1970 . dhome 182/19 to 28 4/20 British War Medal Victory Medal 31-3-22 Place Đồng ông bà ôn 31-3-22 26-10-22 loy 392 ( XXV ) KR R.of.E 31-3-22 Discharge or becoming Non - Effective Cause Rhine army A DIED . Aldurshot . ( Cambriäge Stospital ) J. of E. ( 67188 ) Rank and Character on Discharge Tof 6 . ( 66220 ) Hepl · Exemp ( ba ) 440419 Corpl . Ite jope . Pte Plz ( 14 ) Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) Address on Discharge 15 fuir dt . Belfast Valeda Strasse 3rd Elage . Coloque . Germany . Ya PARTICULARS of FORMER SERVICE Bisgrallah Balle Vine Remarks REMARKS giving CORPS and No. Rall 7/248154 . R. Dub Fuoro ( 58 ) 4218 . Ra.S.C. 72/6/3 Rase 732441 43 Boltonston StracceR.A.S.C .. Riche 7/37944 Extended service . to complete 12 . Yes , with colours . 26. M.T. Coy . 83/439 133 A SERVING 31-3-23 A SERVING 31-8-7 N Rast 54/128409 . CRYING 11 N vologne / 36310 A bapt A |
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