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lagi Loll rry Un'e Place of Marriage , and of Birth of ench Child Elhan . Kent . malta . Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind " The Great War 22.11.23 . 15 1.25 FRANCE FGT9 ( 914-19 . 27.10826 28.10.26 1914 . Star . British War Medal Victory Medal . " The Great War France 1916-1 / 4 18 to 19 . 19644 British War Mesal Victory Medal . " The Great War FRANCE19 . EGYPTI919 M & 7 1916-18 1914 / 5 - star British War Medal ( mallo ) but for U.K. 11/10/22 nome 1/10/20 Victory Medal . The Great War . BELGIUNI 1919. KHINE 1920 Bl Date * 14. 5. 29 . Wounded ( British War mesal Victory Medal . The Great War FRANCE 1916-19 Bratish War Mesar Vessory Metal Place halla . Clerkenwell 22. 3. 20 The Great War 31.3.24 5 boy . BELGIUM 1919 . France 1918-19 . British Was Medal . 31.3.23 . 7. Supply Para 392 ( XX1 ) J. of . E. 31-3-21X H.7 XH.J 31-3-22 Discharge or becoming Non - Effective Cause 29 11 22 Ytti Ifr . Par 392 ( ) 4 * Dr Roft ( Good ) ( 70740 ) de enlisted & l . of Arty , 6/6 . 2 of 6 . ( 59221 ) 26 . DIED . At Sea - Cause - Expeiliche form followed by bavarse failus . Coy . T of E. ( 59083 ) Rank and Character on Discharge 7 of E. ( 66281 ) Sergt . LJCpl . a / Cpl . Y.986 . 5/11415 . on 2.225 . ( N.9 ) . Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) ( good ) Address on Discharge PARTICULARS of FORMER SERVICE Remarks REMARK giving CORPS and No Extended to 12. Yas with blours . 3. M.T. Bay . 33/71 . . The Mattings P.A.S.C. Barrack Strut T33543 . Norwich . 190 Petsford St. PA.S.C. Stockley 736470 . 46 Helmet Row R.A.S.C. 7/309788 St. Lutes . E.C.1 . ( Midde Regl 61425 . 34 Upper Neovoch St Pa L6 T.4 / 142841 Inverness . Rifle Bage 7201858 29 Windsor Ferrpal Wales Bers . Ely , este bardiff 1.256 7/36635 A A ERVING 31-3-23 A 2-3 A A |
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