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Brown nest sts . waf Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind The Great War PRANCE 1919 EGYPT 1919 1916-19 . Halstead 20.5-19 ANCE , 419 EGYPT 1919 191579 . British War Medal utory Medal . " The Great Wari Sporah re both Entered in FRANCE 1949. EGYPT 19 19 . 1914-19 Tax 1914/15 1911 Stawar British Victory Medal } GERMANY . France 1914 STAR + GLASP Date British Mar Medal . Victory Medal . " The Great War " 28.822 YHDfr . Par . 390 ( 200 ) KR Place 1914-19 British War Medal Discharge or becoming Non - Effective 1930 Cause 7.9.23 YHTD ft . Para 392 ( xxv ) Dr Roft Good ( 69740 ) Rank and Character on Discharge 19.10.25 " . Depot Para . 363 . Woolwich . ( X × 1 ) K.R. T.FE. RAG ( 19 ) ( 69638 ) " The Great Wai " 22.3.23 . A Supply . Para 392 ( × 44 ) K * Ste Aldershot . kor . Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) 2 / " Y - Dpt 154. 1645 . ( 126 ) Victory Mediol . " " The Great War " 22.3.23 . A. Supply Para 392 ( xxx ) KR Ste GERNIANY 1919. EGYPT ( 95 wd left side 13 Aldershot . R. of . E. 19.443 . 1914/15 Star British War Medal 3/41376 . v.9 . 49/23270/21 5/71375 Address on Discharge 27t a X ! day for 70 , Wallace No. R.A.S. C Good . Life from 7/22468 20.10.26 . TARTICULARS of FORMER SERVICE giving CORPS and No 40 May St. R.A.S.C. Snodland T4 / 045201 Remarks REMARKS 70 Stead St. R.A.S.C. Stalsters # 3 / 024468 . Asus 21440 4 Charterhouse..P.A . 1.6 . Villas S / 29863 Deanery Rd Godalming . Victory Medal . " The Great War " 28.5-21 - D.7 . Dop una 392. XV a Dur Beseceal . It Just 17- 3. -GERMANY 1919 France 1914 - ig Penzance it . 7. 19 ( bit ) ( vt . g ) British War Medal Rienlisted RCA T.A. on 27-1-22 1. Church St. R.A.S.C. Staines . Middx . 402419 A N 146 N -7-1 1-828 A 22 Fregireat So. 4th Ray feels it Holog Ras Just , Cornwall ( 7 ) 32913 . 49-10221 31-0-3-3 19-11-2 |
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