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لملم Jean de 9₁ aly fre kell Borge Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Lower Bedding len 3.1 . 1905 Birkenhead . " The dire at War " 1915 19-10-06 FRANCE I919 , EGYPT 1919 61. mkl . 1014 24-7-11-24 19140S . STAR . Men British ( as Medal medal 9-2-144 25. 12-19 pmentioned in Prépatches & G Athlone Shank hill 9-9-19 Belfast 26-12-11 36-6-13 Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind To West Ham 29-12-14 " The Great War Forest Gate 15-12-19 shorncliffe FRANCE 73 ANC y 1914 to 13-3-19 Home 247 22 4 Str Der Vora 392 / ( xxv ) MR . Dr Rofs . De indated un 9.6.2016 9196 19/4/23 . and the eart Bretest Unr Man De selected восемь 31.12.20 nghi Victory Me dal 80. Farnham 28-44-1 % Aldershot 5-6-15 # 1 Wess ' How 4–4.10 U.T. CHURCH berth Sandhaven 24.12.19 " The " Ilytreat War " 6.922 . ( Str Dr. Tara39 ( 1 ) X Dr FRANCI , EGYP # 1919 . 2-6-20 En Route Egypt 207/19 to 3 17/19 British Mar Mesol Victory Medal Roft ( 6x ) ( 69736 ) . FRANCE , EGYPT 919 . 1914-19 194 , thar En Route Egypted / 14tos 24 Buchish War Wectory medal Date " The Great War 3.18.18 . " The Great War 1914/15 STAR British War Medal Victory Medal Place trance 1914-19 . 6.15 1914 Star & blach British War Medal lictory medal be " The Great War 21-6-22 FRANCE 1914 1915-19 . Discharge or becoming Non - Effective 11.9.22 MNT Dpr N pre 592 ( xxx ) K * Dr Rift ( 6x ) ( 69835 ) Cause 30-5-22 Rank and Character on Discharge 30.18.18 7 ( 35 ) 07 / 20t . Para . 240 ( 801 ) K.K. komis . pet . y L.of.E. , bo . Pura 372 ( XXV ) KR . Abfl . ( NACT . 320 / AGBB / 2132 ) ( as ) Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) Para 392 ( XXV ) KR . 8x / 7arr . ( Redure of Cotab ; ) ( Address on Discharge Oxender Sv . R. A.S.C. Dover . 1.31175 17 Mornington St. R.A.S.C. Oxton Ra T2 / 016207 Berkenhear 35 M Hardless Fr. R.a. 1.6 . brumbin Red 13/03/180 . Belfart . 1 , Brighton Rd . Aldershot PARTICULARS of FORMER SERVICE giving . CORPS Remarks REMARKS and No Landhaven , Fraser scortand Ra.S.C. 726054 . 118 1148 Ratt 12-11 SERVING - T N 29682 A ( 67810 ) be listed interbell . Br . West fakshine Begt . ( .A . ) 16 / 5 / 1.24 . Re- and 100 HD Batt Weat Youde st Ra26 . braigdhen Y 3-3-33 A balinded to a Lital 94 34 Authy CRIB date A 30-12-28 SERV A |
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