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un and Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind The Great War FRANCE 1945 to 1918 to 1919 to 317/21 3 1914/15 Man British War Medal Victory Medal . " The Great War France 1914 to 1019 Home , 1914 4 + blasp . British War Medal Victory Mesol . " The Great Ware GERMANY 1919 . Francé 1914/15 m 1777War Medal Victory Medal " The Great War GERMANY . rytaly 221916-14 + 1918-19 . 1914-18 British War Medal . Victory medal " The Great War 31²½ / 21 1915 to 1916 Egypt 19161018 17/18 to 1912 . . GERMANY 1919 . France 1916-19 , me d . Ex . F. 29 % / 5 to 1914/15 Star Vectory Medal " The Great War Date 31-3-22 4 31-3-2121 X. I. boy . T of t . ( 59999 ) 31-3-21 XHI Dep . 8-4-19 to 3173-21 British War Thesalg . 6.21 . to 312 ai Place 31-3-21 16 Y. 16 boy . 16.4.21 Ashot 31.3.21 11 ( H ! boy . Discharge or becoming Non - Effective Cause If E. ( 66080 ) جا کره شد ( 59410 ) ( 59923 ) akes feel Sie B I of E. 94 Rank and Character on Discharge Dvr ( v . g ) 216p ( 3 ) Dar ( v.9 ) Dr ( v . g ) Rate of pension awarded ( if any ) Address on Discharge PARTICULARS of FORMIER SERVICE 28 , Muir Et Silvertown . Remarks REMARKS giving CORPS and No 20 1. Jessy Rd R. A.S.C. Leyton , tossex . 14/084807 R.A.S.C. 1/343584 2 Married Qrs , R.A.S.C. The Prison , 74/094235 . Portland . N 11 28 Union St R.A.S.C.N Cardiff . 1386315 Council Achools . Ra.SC. Hall Green , 14/065592 Birmingham 129 A R.A.S.C. Se Th18646 A A |
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