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Full name
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Damaged service number
Transcription ( b )
Place of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child
Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child
Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind
Dome 3 16.16 to 1. 4.19 Enhorte 3 Russa 2.4 . 1916 20.5.19 Russia 217.5.19 to 20. 2. 20
Home 21.2.20 Black Sea Home 4 b 22
16 3.622
Blytheund Glasgow Glasgos 13. 15. 16 .
1. 1. 12
Home 7.12.16 te 1.1.17 France 2.1 17
Bortish War Medel Violiny Medal
3. 12. 15 Egypt 16. 11. 14 to
14 12 14 Home 15 12. 14 to 1t 3 15 Med . 17. 3 15 16 9. 15 Home 73 9. 15 to 4 16 France -2.19 Home / 4 16 .
22 20 . 4 4
2-19 1s
1914/15 Star Vidlong Medal British War Medal
Home 8.5.16 to 18.8.17 Tronce 19.8.17 to 19.8 19 . Home x0.8 . 19 to 16.9 . 19 Bretech Wor Medal
Victory Medal
Home 10-11 15 to 1.4.7 France 2. 4 17 to 2. 8. 19 Home 3 8 19 to 30. 8 19 .
British War Metal .
Victory Medal
7.6.22 " Q " MT . Depot Para 392 .
Alders hob
20 11.20
6 / 12 / 23 / 16.1.T.C.1 . To . A. Kes . Sect . B Etc.
962 ( 1 ) XK .
Good .
To Sect . D. & . Res .
6.12.27 .
24.12.40 Zuscharged Para 390 ( XVI ) KRO
15 88 .
Discharge or becoming Non - Effective
17 9-14 18.17.7 . C. 7/7/24 bhatham .
Bad ( 616 )
( XXV ) KR Services required no longer of 6890
Rank and Character on
Discharge ( if any )
5/191 .
A / L / che Exemplary
A Dos Seat B Pre
( Indeff )
Para Tam 32 ( A ) ARR A'te
% . a . Ris . sest . " B . " Discharged . Lof E. / 298 )
I / Effft . Pt . Imidip ( 43 )
Rate of pension awarded
Aber See B Itr . B. Discharged . Lof 6 .
of former .
Firnice . Address on Discharge quing caps .
& Rumber .
135 abbey le =
Annis , te blare .
242 Nuncaton Si Bridgetown . Glasgov .
Lamboume .
1r . Romfort .
157 .
Runarks .
anaby 12 years .
ay 13265 7 + 5 years . qualified an Para H19 KR 35
ay 13 264 .
12 years he eigd to comp . 21. gs Coloys .
( Aden 11.7 . Sechi 10/27 )
13,265 4 + 5 years
a7 B 217 .
4 + 5 years . Jewin to Complete 2. Yo wist the colours
7.00-21 . ( 2.2.1 / 189 / 20
ays 260 4 + 4 years .
Army number
Regiment number
Service number

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