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Full name
First name
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Damaged service number
Transcription Place of Marriage ,
and of Birth of
each Child
Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child
Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards
of any kind
Some 136. 19 to En Route Neexep 18.3.2016174-20
thes of 18.4.20 to 16. 12. 21
en route Home 15-12-21 to 2:22 Home 8.2.22
Home 13.6.19 le En Route Egypt : 30 3 10 to 84-20 31 12 25 Egypt 9.4.20
31-12-26 12 6.35
11.3.2013-10-22- .
Home 13.6.19 to 7-3-21
on route Mesop 83.21 to 30. 4.2 / 1.5.21 to 15-9-23 .
mes buiti Home . 16-9-28 .
Home 11.6 19. to 7.3.21
en route mesop 8.8.21 to 30.4 . 21 1.5 . 21 to 15-9-23 . mesop
En Route Home . 16-9-23 .
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Arme 4 6 19 to
19.9.4 Cemite Mesop . 20.9.21 to 7-11-21 mesop . 8-11-21 to .. En Kouli Home . 19-28 . k . 31-6-28 . Anime 1-9-23 .
York .
Discharge or becoming Non - Effective
To . Sect . 3. akes .
362 ( 1 ) ( 11 ) X.X.
12.626 35 - .M.T . boy to bring Reserve . Aldershot . 362/1 ) . K.R.
Teaus to Sect . A » Excemp . To Sigt . B. Akis . Dvo : Para HG Y / M ) KR
Para : 392 Aldershot . Ts design si s Phiss
10.6.26 . 18.11.T. Cel To
Rank and Character
( 130 )
37. M.T. by No Army desire . Worlwich . Jection B
362 ( 11 ) / ( a . ) K.K.
Reserve Ph .
Chatham . 362 ( 1 ) K. R. kaump .
4/16 .
Rate of pension awarded ( if any )
N.Good . Ys.c. 980 .
Plt . Pemi 24 , Frampton Ad
Pension .
claim .
Former Service
Giring books
Whittar Twickenhorn ,
29.07os que resident Hownslow Heath of.70594 . CH 50/26/19/22 .
Address on Discharge
Pamie Alburt Sevemäell B 265
22/6/26 7 yrs Colaus .
Traus : to . Sect . " A " . Rejoined Colours .
8. 10.4 Pel . 27 Res . ( 220/0 ) 1³ / 51 DISCH PARA 519 VII KRS 40. T / E R / 2470
10.6.26 . G.M.T. Cf. Fr. Arunch Reserve . Cpl . 362/1 ) K.K. N. Good . 4 / 5.0.974 ( F3 )
13. 4. 45. Jied Seacroft Emergency Hosp , Leeds . bause death LEFT . BASAL . PNEUMONIA . 137 . Ph .
6.3.25 .
45 , Colonial
Cause NYK .
Remarks .
Iyoldaun .
1 gepland .
1 ver Eplane
B265 yes Flowe
B249 9 ye Colours .
Army number
Regiment number
Service number

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