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Full name
First name
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Damaged service number
Transcription Place of Marriage ,
and of Birth of
each Child
Date of Marriage ,
and of Birth of
each Child
Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind
Soome 14.7.19 En Route India 14 10 20 l : 4-11-20 India 5-11-20
20/4/23 18 M. T.6 .
30.8 . 27. Nome 26. 6.19 to 17. 3. 20 En Route Mesops 18.3.20617-4-20
te 13. 10. 2017/4/24 . D.M.T. Dip .
Home 1.4.19 to 21.1.21 Euronte meson 221.21 to 203.21 . Meson 21.3.28 to 30.3.22 / 30.5.26 En kleing 31-3.22 to 28-4-22 7. 4. 27 . Home 29-4-22
28.12.27 . 7.6.40
mespot 18-4- 20 to 14:12:21 en route Home 15-12-21 to 27-2-22 Home 28.2.22
Rhine Army 3.422
Home 16-2-15-31-5-15 17-7-16-20-8-17-13.2.26 . France 1-6-156716 Gsw Rleg . Heat ( Olt )
Tara . 392 . Para bhathan ( X. ) K.1 .
Discharge or becoming Non - Effective
To . Sect . Bakes . 2 / pl . aldurshot . 362 ( 11 ) ( d ) K. R. Exump . ( 2038 ) minid Colours . 0/327 . ( 66 )
1.9.34 Multiple fractures 3-1.43 Died 1 Mol Mil Hosp result of accident 1.4.26 . 15.11.7 . Cal To tirump Reserve . bag . Jark . 362/11 ) ( 1 ) * . Exemp . Traus : to Slect A 4/127 . Obfest . Aldent , Mobilised .
( 53. )
British War Medal Victory Medal . Stome 28.6.19 to 21.12.20
En Ale Hore hisop 22-12-20 47341 mesop
24 1.21 .
Rank and Character
Bad .
Aivil Conviction ( 26. )
19-1-26 . O'rtr . Depot . To . hot B. Akis pl . Aldushot . 362 ( 11 ) 2 ( 1 ) XR
& . good .
D. ( 2. )
Trausti Sect . " A " Sis : Jara 484 ( X ) X.R. M 404 . 19 / 14 / 16-11-39 Mjoined . 21-6.25 . Q.M.T. Dep . To . Sect : B : akes . Aldushet 362 ( 1 ) K.R. Peug Good .
Rate of pension awarded ( if any )
Discharged . Having been apprinter to a Commission exemplary " Para 390 ( XVII ) ITR 1940 6.S.M. WOD
y 627 . ( 80. )
Address on Discharge
Pgaliculars of
Former Service
52 ,
Newcastle- & Tippe
Still Sede Cottage First Lower .
Peranz . b.d.
26 lo Relfact
Geoing books
Remarks Remarks
for you / 18 / 19 )
IV . 2016. sto Castle Park Devon Ret Jader Saltach 10621 Ple
holonger physically 26 by RASE . Belfort fit for war Service Rel to blass ' GIRes Hl . Ha The 16. Lubbock Rd .
Lee Coopen
A B265 geplann
Eatth . 12 yo . Colo . ( Malta . 23/26 . )
Y en Colons .
Army number
Regiment number
Service number

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