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Full name
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Damaged service number
Transcription Place of Marriage ,
and of Birth of each Child
Date of Marriage , and of Birth of each Child
Campaigns , Wounds , Medals or Rewards of any kind
En route Mesop 16-3-20 to 29-4-20
30-4-206 to 24-12-21 Enkte ! Home 25-12-2145 28. 1. 22 Home 29 22 13-9-23 .
en route Judia . 14-9-23 .
Home 26-7-19 to 17-5-20 En route Mesop 18-5-90to 9 - b - 20 Tuesop 10-6-20 to 4 : 3:22 Pudia 5 3:22
A.RL Home 21-7-19 to 9-2-20
30.10.25 .
21.431 .
Home 22 79 to 1300 En route Mesop 1450 to 12.50
Mesop 1330 to 15-4-23 . En Rough
Gru : Sir : Medal with Class . Bagit
Home 14-7-196 15-3-20 20-10-45 RELEGATED TO CLASS 2 RESERVE ( 15 )
Discharge or becoming Non - Effective
To . Sect . B. akes .
13.17.1 . Of Intsmouth . 262. ( 4 ) ( n ) * ..
Discharged .
18/9/24 . " O.17.7 . Dep . 362. ( " ( d . ) K.R.
Sec . B. ako .
22.7.31 .
To Army Reserve .
Tox . 36 8. ) K. R.
Rank and Character
$ 1 .
Indiff .
Home 2-11-18-23.2.19 ZReserve 24-2-19-27719
29.9.26 . Home 28-7-196 4-3-20 16.9.45 Relegates to C : Z " Res 42
En route Mesop 5-3-20t 17-4-20 Mesop 18-4-2010 Ew Rtv Eng tome 19.4.22
to 28 4:22
will 31/50 ( old spe ) – 25. O. 06 32/0/6 : 57/33 ) - Caub . For 11. R. 16 353/35 6 52/30 ) - Disemb - Jotie 27 53 ( 366. 60/33 ) - 23 / 6-93-4 ( 1/34 )
En houte India 14. 10-20 to 4-11-20 // 24 . Q. M.T. Dep . frum . Trans India 5.11.20 Aldershor . 362 ( 1 ) d . ) X.R. Discharged .
( 129 )
Rel to class 2 Kes 27-3-4-6 ( 793 ) .
20.4 18. 19. 67 .
6.4.39 . he ene RASC ( 14 ) 7th Birl
4.12.45 Relegated to blass 27 Res .
Pr Exemp .
4 ( 402 )
( 129 )
REME 1953 disch .
Z ( 7 ) 202 )
Fa .
Rate of pension awarded ( if any )
( او ) وحالته و
( 91 )
Address on Discharge
Former Service
28. Frederick Jyos . Servin tele B3265 Naverter Lumpor . 21/7/26 17 sye Colort
bange fo .
3. Martello Ave
Folkestone .
he mar for 21.700 ( es 6 : 26/30
Giving borps
Lill . 27. 7. 20 .
Remarks Remarks
Jl . 13.70
Each to 2. fs . Col. ( 12.11 . - 7 . 77/26 )
B249 9ge Colones .
TRB 53 Hauts Righ TR / 8 / 21660
B2b5 Typ Colous
batter 6.127 at ( 23.M.T. 94/26 )
Army number
Regiment number
Service number

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