Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1945-02-01 00:00:00.000, 1945-02-01 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 23/5907, 23/5885 |
Contractor | Bedford, Spurling |
Make | Bedford, Bedford |
Model | Lorry (Truck) 3 ton Command 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton Command 4x4 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 01331, 01331 |
Quantity | 299, 299 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : 15716G6642 [ 88458 ] 37760/9432 50m 10/44 M & C Ltd. 51/1 Date LORRY , 3 TON 4 x 4 COMMAND , L.P. TYPE " A " . Contract No. Contractor Quantity 1.2.48 23/5904 Bedford C. COLR ) 1.2 . 45 23/5885 Spurling Body ! B.G.P. 6/6 Boch tode 35 % Loaded to 1948 . + 8 % + .1 % . Per Price 1948 Lea BEDFORD , OL . 183 ✓ 334631-01-300 Costed Price £ S. d . Ea 429 193 538108 ntract Price £ S. d . 1000 P1019 JINONTON 1019 WATT 1375 19 8 429 193 538108 8400 1167 911 1019 50 Pac 00 1500 A Free Issues £ of D S. d . 50 15 $ 1120 C.O.D bhilwft . 4 CAT . NO . DRWG . Bb C F 000 .. INSPN . my 07. ( R ) War office CON . E Remarks I from april 54 unloaded 8. 3.50 Wireless for Installation W. Sel ho 19. ( 2 pu vulnele ) £ 115 = Each . Amplufier R.F.ho 2.L.C.V / LP . E BW 2A19000 / 5.B Click Rates Prices Quoted to M. ly . 0. 7. ( 1/6 7/5/52 . htlichenden 11/7/52 . 10/11/52 . 19/12/52 . 261 4 156 F46 . A.D.O.S. , HOME COUNTIES . Mr. Ashenden 13/2/53 . 9.1.53 . |