Image details
Asset code 1 | |
Asset code 2 | |
Contract date | 00:00.0 |
Contract number | 23/6392 |
Contractor | Rootes |
Make | Rootes |
Model | Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x2 |
Wartime number | |
X page | 1298 |
Quantity | 100 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Righ . Ferward . Date 1443 . Contract No. 29.9.45 23/6392 Contractor 86 B.G.P. Morris Comuel Austin Bedford Rootes Quantity Beaford and F.J. PoolES Add 45 % 170.1.9 . 2 ; 8 % . = 43.16.104 } 170 = 5.18.4 12 ) . 100 Per ele 16 69 A Contract Price S. d . £ 380 425 340 510 7 A 1 319 17 1 58 24 each 377 195 219 170 inch 600 00 EA Costed Price S. d . £ 463 14 10 F.P. Free Issues £ S. d . Leader o.y. Q.4 CAT No. DRWG . No. detQ4 . INSPN . CoN . BCH . Remarks Hind Wo S.R. 1951 , to mag Blache 19/9/512 , 16/101/51 , 141/12/15 ) . BAOTY 5/12/51 .. MCOTER ) 16'52 . + 25/1/52 |