Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1954-02-18 00:00:00.000, 1962-06-15 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | V1253, BR/8/02/341 |
Contractor | Cherry Tree Machine Co, RE 5 Estimate |
Make | Cherry Tree Machine Co, na |
Model | Laundry Units Trailer Mounted CCS Mk 3, Laundry Units Trailer Mounted CCS Mk 3 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 02049, 02049 |
Quantity | , 1 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Date 18.2.34 V / 1252 9.1.56 Contract No. MS Form 28 Laundry Unit PLANTS laundry , CCS MR3 , trailer mounted . ccsmk . 3 Estimate confirmed Contractor ESTIMATE COST OF R.E.4.m. Estimate 15.6.62 BR 8/02/341 R.E.5 . ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ( For trailer prices apply oixny tg W15 / WQ 00317 SEMEN / ST Folio 41 35 46/10/52 ) Quantity Per Equipment EACH + 25 % - in Contract Price £ S. d . 2250 562 10 2,812 10 ea . 4.2000 2,9000 1600 EACH 7500 00 EACH 7500 - 1 % Carr . Free Tooling Charge P.I.P. Issues Royalty Charge 15 % / 10 / 300 / 1 % 5 % LIST W.15 Cost of 4 trailers & body work A W.153510-99-200-5932 CAT . No. 00124 DRWG . No. INSPN . CON . BCH . Dh 23 ( ½c 1 % 5 % 3 / 4 % 3 % £ Cost Price S. 3262100 +2,960 6222-100 6,200-0-0 ه می شد 4300 d . 1.600 a ( 3 7950 00 8450 Ex FL - 9368 Estimate given Remarks gwen by Capt Rankin ORD 18 Prial manch ! 6-5-47 Information passed over by B. Vehicles Japo W ONE TRAILER AF G 1078/198 SCH . 14417 refers for trailer ) 2 : one |