Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1945-06-19 00:00:00.000, 1958-08-27 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | V4051, MV8/0817552 |
Contractor | COD Old Dalby, RE 4E Estimate |
Make | COD Old Dalby, na |
Model | Compressor Trailer Mounted, Compressor Trailer Mounted |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 02061, 02061 |
Quantity | , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Reciprocating Pawer Drives . I. gasaline COMPRESSOR , AIR kailumounted , petel fengine divers , Dr Holm ype 28. 66.5 cfm / 100. pr.i. Ilman 45.8 - festin of T. S 15716G6642 ( 88458 ) 37760/9432 50m 10/44 MSC Ita . 5th Arndt to designation Date S / S buy 12 / 4310-99-200-5945 $ 4117 / 63 Contract No. Contractor Quantity Per 19.6.45 . V. 4.051 . 6.0.0 . Old Pally . Estimate . Fach 12-3-52 ESTIMATE R.E.G M3 ( OUR REF . SSIS ) 248/58 24-10-53 ESTIMATE R.E.4.M / 2A ( OUR REF . 0435 ) 24.8.55 MV 5 / 08 / 17552 RE46 Esteate Estrate Best Thir Kach . 150 EACH VPN 1/64 + 16 % EACH Contract Price £ S. d . 150 176 250 625 100 hat . Each O O EACH each basa EACH O O ead 900 00 lead Costed Price 1 £ S. CARR P.L.P. 1 % 15 % $ leen Al $ 2'50 Free Issues 1 % 5 % 1.R & D TOOLING COST PRICE 1 % 15 % / 125 17. 37 . 1 ( IC DE fach 90000 1 % 5 % 34 % 3 % 290 00 UNPRICED W3 / CN ? C 4969. May ' $ 2 . i 954 95006 CAT . No. 98 4310-99-200-5945 DRWG . No. 14/3/52 INSPN . Cor . BCH . ES 1992 G 1012 , 1001 £ 100000 m Remark LIST , Lach 1 FEB 1953 9 And include cost of traiter . 22/10/12 14/12/17 71/54 730 O 662.10.0 Aw . 66000 Deleted . Ardt . 60 151658 25/1/56 1/2/56 27/2/56 کم کر ہیں وہ 72 138.10 -58 . 141/61 4161 |