Image details
Asset code 1 | , , |
Asset code 2 | , , |
Contract date | 1943-03-01 00:00:00.000, 1943-04-08 00:00:00.000, 1946-05-03 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 27/L1078, EL7780, 27/L14037 |
Contractor | Broadbent & Lane, F Broadbent & Sons, D & J Tullis & Co |
Make | Broadbent & Lane, F Broadbent & Sons, Tullis |
Model | Laundry Unit, trailer mounted, Laundry Unit, trailer mounted, Laundry Unit, trailer mounted |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 02041, 02041, 02041 |
Quantity | 38, 34, 2 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Date PLANT LAUNDRY . HYDRO EXTRACTOR Contract No. Broadbent ( 18186D ) Wt 30386/4796 25000 10/42 HJR & L Gp 745/6 type No.23 Contractor ( 19703D Wt 39611/9505 25,000 12/42 1958 PRICE Laundry Unit , Trailer Mounted LIST W.15 w / PLANTS , washing & hydro extractor , traiter mounted , MR 2 , R.H. 1. 3.43 294/27/2 , 1078 Broadbent & Lase 8.4.48 294 / 5 / - 7760 J. Broost adons 3-5-46 294 / 27 / 1-14037 D & J TULLIS & Co. 16 CAME As ( For trailer prices apply duty Ig Contract Price Costed Price £ S. d . £ s . Ps . d . Quantity 38 Sach 237 bost Price Lach 235 34 each 235 6 2 EACH 1795 o 1605 Per EACH EACH касн VFNISUSS VPN 135 W.15 / NQ.0012 ) EA . a 10 O * + 35 % 481 10 2086 10 € 1 % 15 % + 20 % con pla Folio 551 s 14/10/52 ) w3 3510-99-200-5928 Free Issues 1. & s . rodu C87 FONGE only 2420 770 4,020 O 4,2100 4200 O a D 3,1900 1,300 449000 4,500 00 O * CAT . NO . FL.9350 ما DRWG . No. " MAXIMUM PRICE COSTED PRICE INSPN . Remarks Es Con . BcH . DL 23 Price for plant supplied by Tullish for fitting Requires price of Broadbent hydros & Lorailers 81 Price of turo hydros BDB / 0005 trailers LIST 1 JUN 1952 Price of plant Price of 2trailers . us Chindt . No.5 1 NOV 1952 638 5-738 O 5150 00 ANDT . 29. 15 DEC . 54 . AFG 1098/1198 SCH 5750 00 1477 refer job NO CHANGE Deleted from List- 5/611 عمیرے CONTINUED |