Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , |
Contract date | 1959-11-30 00:00:00.000, 1961-01-09 00:00:00.000, 1962-12-21 00:00:00.000, 1964-07-15 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | MC43, MC252, MC292, MC292 |
Contractor | Stenners of Tiverton Ltd, F W McConner, Stenners of Tiverton Ltd, Stenners of Tiverton Ltd |
Make | Stenners of Tiverton Ltd, F W McConner, Stenners of Tiverton Ltd, Stenners of Tiverton Ltd |
Model | Saw Circular Table type Trailer Mounted, Saw Circular Table type Trailer Mounted, Saw Circular Table type Trailer Mounted, Saw Circular Table type Trailer Mounted |
Wartime number | , , , |
X page | 02098, 02098, 02098, 02098 |
Quantity | , , , |
Transcription |
Date Amdt 7 : 17.11.60 . 1 . DESIGNATION : 2 21.12.62 FI . Contract No. 9.1.61 Amet 18 / 3 / 6 / 6230-99-942-2989 6240-99-996-4591 5120-105955 5120-10552 3 4930-99-802-5050 m KP / T / 04 3 40 oil seals for FV - 15300 Hausen Hauding 20 tab washers 2. Rubber come buffers for apples 2 KP / T / 0252 ½ ton 2 wheeled trailers 20 . Handlamps pentable glednic J.S. 20 Contractor Pliers sidecutting square Nost J.SO. LU / MTI / FI / type Yom Pom it . Grease juns , V.A.0.5 . 10/292 MS Form 28 hamps for above filament 2400 , 60 W B.C.J.S. Spanners Adjustable 6 " JS . G Quantity 20 20 20 20 1/2 ton 2 - wheeled Trailers 14 Sankey MK1 . Per 4400 Contract Price Tooling Free Charge £ . S. d . Issues Ea { a 1 150 25/6/62 Ea 00625/6/62 Ca 045 25/6/62 Part 03325/6/62 Ea 79 25/6/62 2 10 11 Each 16500 P.I.P. Carr . R. & D. Charge CAT . NO . Cost Price £ S. d . Remarks |