Image details
Asset code 1 | |
Asset code 2 | |
Contract date | 00:00.0 |
Contract number | 27/P9381 |
Contractor | R A Lister |
Make | R A Lister |
Model | Generator Set AC 3-phase Trailer Mounted |
Wartime number | |
X page | 2186 |
Quantity | 50 |
Transcription |
GENERATOR A.C. , GENERATING SETS 17 K.V.A. A 1571686842 50m 10/44 ( 89267 ) 58521/4870 50m 3/45 M & C Ltd. Date DESIGNATION : 11 Please do not insect in LIST 230 - V . , 3 Phase , 230 Voits : 60 c / Voil , Trailer mounted mistollery 9/3/54 " file just for fecit Fill secu . aus 24.2.54 Contract No. 9.4.45 294 / 24 / 1.9381 h . A. Lister 51/1 Contractor VAOS , List of changes w / 4,642.h - 15 / 4 / 54 . PS . Contract Price Costed Price £ S. d . £ s . d . Cast Pare Sae undhs + 1 % TC + 35 % 1948 Cond Price م سے Amended P.I.P. Quantity Per 50 1945 price 35 % 1948 Price Mantation Trailer . la each 624 ( Contract file seen and checked . ) . 2 & ** voch 1 em 530-00 1 £ 5 5 4 3 221 5 10 ca. 750 00 + 10 % Zac . 825 Deleted from Z.c. To ou 527 00 184 90 each 711 90 ead 711 90 each Thor ni SRiquer w | 7lun SR 1950 Ripl : " 13/15 m 2c . hist of Role Aimos Noss Free Issues £ s . d . 1 % 5 % No. used VAOS LIss of Changes May , 1953 DRWG . No. CARK P F. I. R & D TOOLING Remarks Complete withom pares es detailed attached Appendio " A " . Part No. X2 / 6115-99-900-7137 CAT . No. -ze . 23081 COST PRICE INSPN . Con 27. murs Sainda ques Mis follow SR 194943. fan tykVO ZC 22071 price A Con . BcH . Mounter on Batters appy Seee above . No. of Spares per set P.T.O. 775 9 7 4 4200 048. iaiter the Sarans l . awaiting price of / 1 / 30 request from Chicine CC 15/3/302 |