Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1967-01-05 00:00:00.000, 1968-06-13 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | KJ/U/823, KJ/V/972 |
Contractor | F Devitta Ltd, Stanley Electrical |
Make | F Devitta Ltd, Stanley Electrical |
Model | Conversion Kit Electrical Equipment type C13, Conversion Kit Electrical Equipment type C13 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 02227, 02227 |
Quantity | 93, 111 |
Transcription |
MS Form 28 DESIGNATION : - 1969 / U 8/66 Date RS . Conversion Kit , Elect . Equipt . C13 . to R.S.CB HP in 1/4 or 3/4 thn hover . Contract No. Quantity Per d . 1823. F. Devetta htol 93 En . Il Contractor Nett Contract Price £ S. 5-1-67 . 13668 | KI / U / 972 Stanky Gleet . 86 en 8290 * 11-10-68 / 1 / 3 / / 972 auddy W / Avenge 25 en 96 70 * each 25 en 85122 Free P.I.P. Issues Insp . 570 570 H.Q. CAT . No. 21/50 21 / 5820-99-105-9849 R & D | Carr . Vocab Rate 43 £ S. d . 270 34⁰ 100 170 99 154 Free essus . 32 2 J 13000 10 2/0 3/0 10/0 170 103 11 9 Free issue 3165 essures 135 . Free issues overk of हैरी REMARKS o is |