Image details
Asset code 1 | |
Asset code 2 | |
Contract date | 00:00.0 |
Contract number | 6/WT/13104 |
Contractor | BTH Co Ltd |
Make | BTH |
Model | Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7 |
Wartime number | |
X page | 2313 |
Quantity | 86 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : S11141 M73921 Wt.2963 D1654 10/54 20M T & Co . G834 . it Date Quantity Hot 326 gat s 1.12.506 / WT / 13104 B.T.H. bo Led 36 360 во altratén 23.9.55 3.2.56 3.1.57 21.2.58 16.5.60 Contract No. This price prince was Equipments Rador A.A. No3 MK . 7 MS Form 28 Contractor Contract Price £ S. d . đó giá lạnh 50000 tach . Amdt due to addit : to fols . F.1.5 confirmed " r amended F.I.Samoded 7 33 13 % to goed . I Contact Prici Fils Anded ti daite Per d Each 5600 00 tach Each 5600 lock 5600 о D Tooling Free Charge Issues town 7466 13 4 Each tach , 7466 13 4 kach P.I.P. 23 / 1285-99-900 . 6735 ( 73/70 23358 CAT . No. R. & D. € 2967-6-1 2967-6-1 Carr . Charge £ S. lach 5600.00 Hoch quoted to in GOFIR lens cont of baber , btrailer , temporative lanval Supstin . Jen : Sebit as requested Control F / R / 1-2968-17.7 59 Cost Price d . $ 1851-14.8 5 % 10 % 1 % 8718 10 6 % , F.1 . Sez overlief for detants 67 . 870600 Joll 1977.4.8 Remarks £ 2911-13-92 5 % 10 % 1 % 9958 12 95 Filis não include GEN . Toff 9950 23/2073081 luft L10100.06 ) 2914-9.8 5 % 10 % 170 9961 18 11 2C 30299 12/6 3 ( NC ) C 30297 £ 2901-10-2 5 % 10 % 19 % 9946 15 312 ZC 30298 k & aputa 4. 1. L.P.J.3 . 9/4/55 " - does not incluere more of Fracken Mommert Geamily act . Note - Dis pain is mot CSL 1401/5 . 6 . but I foubrie 8/07/15104 WAGE 3-7-6 1. ✓ 2.5.0 ✓ 1 99 3/2/5/2 467-17.75 % 10 % 1 % . 4160 4 # 514 / 6 / 35 ( 3 / 24 / 71000 132/56 Quoteet Ort . 9 19/8/55 13300 20 MG OF ( R ) 5 % 10 % 17⁰ 5 % 10 % 17 12207 14 11 PM 127 8/103527 8-55 023.9.55 . MG OF IK ! 5 % 10 % 17 12209 11. 94.4 13. 16. 55 122000 & 22.10.85 122000 O 9-12.58 AP # 059.18.6 1109.8.6 |