Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1946-10-03 00:00:00.000, 1948-05-07 00:00:00.000, 1948-11-09 00:00:00.000, 1949-11-23 00:00:00.000, 1951-02-28 00:00:00.000, 1951-04-20 00:00:00.000, 1951-04-24 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | V5551, BM185/MS1a, 6/WT/5413, 6/WT/7827, 6/WT/14256, 6/WT/15208, 6/WT/14572 |
Contractor | SE 3, CSTC, BTH Co Ltd, BTH Co Ltd, BTH Co Ltd, BTH Co Ltd, BTH Co Ltd |
Make | na, CSTC, BTH, BTH, BTH, BTH, BTH |
Model | Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , |
X page | 02315, 02315, 02315, 02315, 02315, 02315, 02315 |
Quantity | , , 239, 244, 5, 56, 15 |
Transcription |
* DESIGNATION : O of owad Date tant 15716S6642 [ 90081 ] 36620/4931 50m 11/45 M & C Ltd. 51/1 Contract No. 9 3.10.46 8.5551 EQUIP . RADAR A.A. NO . 3. MK . 7 . Contractor S.E.3 EST 7.5.48 BM185 / msia 6876 . вдув + 9.11.48 / 6 / NT / 5413 B.T.H. Co hea Litesh 23.1 . 49 / 6 / WT / 7827 for 28.3.51 / 6 / WT / 14256 20.4.516 | WT | 15208 24.4.51 6 | W7 | 14572 I no F.1.5 bee the E.4 Letter from B.T.H Dole SA ON Comair to P.I.P 89088 Quantity P COST PRICE CAUT 6500 6150 239 242 est best Price bu 6200 10 +2 い -8 = 109 Sonly # 15 Per 150 15 Contract Price £ S. d . 00 باما EACH la Sach . 4250 2a4 5.నికం Each 6705 1 O 850 ما سلموا Costed Price £ d . S. Free Issues £ s . d . ESP 1949 CARR P.I.P. F. I.R & D TOOLING 1 % 333 £ 500 500 10 % Fis 10 % Induda 68000 6765/3 7 Zac 6900 1 % 33 층 2 월 7 일 10 % Zad lach 69000 1 % 5 % 3 / 7 € 10 % Hock 27 Zostro0 2333/12085 №o9 900-6735 No. 23358 10 DRWG . No. INSPN . Dar.30.10.62 CON . BOH . The price is made up as follows : – RADAR £ 4628 plus TOWING 807 4 3 80500 644 b Ext . 128 Remarks logtino ) 13 QUIPMENT & 1832 X Tech : bert , ca £ 5,500 for 1948-49 estimates Tele ( 04 ) 16,200 1/12 COST PRICE BJE Aseen 2/3153 no FIS . is fel . C.R. ) . Amith & / 1 F.13 . Number Plat Special , off 110212 372 jake Devlin SE 3. This is for a 102000 。 comfeqte Leglé equipments include raid his yen Let's and cabin & Refrigeratiny linit's 8 Duele weate itim per Zalis hazt : 1 / 1 / ₂ 1.1.2 . Stump 13/5/53 Amell . No 7 , 107/53 DELETED € 3/5/55 1/1/56 30/1/50 |