Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1949-02-03 00:00:00.000, 1951-11-19 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/WT/5003, 6/WT/18358 |
Contractor | Metro Vickers Ltd, Metro Vickers Ltd |
Make | Metro-Vickers, Metro-Vickers |
Model | Equipment Radar AA No 4 Mk 7, Equipment Radar AA No 4 Mk 7 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 02321, 02321 |
Quantity | 334, 300 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : S11891 M751357 Wt.560 D1679 6/55 30M T & Co . G834 . Date Contract No. Equipment Rodor A. A. ho 4 mK 7 : 19.11-51 6/11 | 18359 Amatio Victer hon MS Form 28 Contractor X First 25 。 next 4O s 3.2.496 / WT / 5003 metgo Vickes had 45 49 ²25 lack 14.12.5x Pried 19 od +1 Average 140 Price Xx Just 25 。 hert 40 M 14 Average Price Quantity 300 Per U 21 Contract Price ir £ S. Each Free Tooling d . Charge Issues Each 34423.00 23 / 584099.900-6737 CAT . NO . 73/20 31000 ) 1 P.I.P. R. & D. W / L 499 Each 344230 08.62752-7-7-5 % 10 % 1 % 439953 102 . Overleaf for F.1.5 06 4 : 3952 . y . y- 5 % 10 % 1 % 35216 5 5 % ( includes £ 415 1½ 21 , 233 2 3952-79-5 % 10 % 1 % 29952 8 10 4 Freemditiming charge . 25,432 36 903 7 15 Carr . Charge £ S. d . Cost Price DGL . 10-62 . Remarks copied from old sheet F.ff. Weld 29/3/55 € 12/8/55 17/11/58 . 36 900 00 E27 2784-1-9 5 % 10 % 17 43532 5 10 25732 067 3834-1-9 57 102 12 17 34592 6 54 . 29328 9 10 bl 8/8/36 12/3/57 1 3834-1 - G 5 % 10 % 7 5 % 10 % 21-2336 27685.00 1 % 1 % this matance and in 36488 12 few of pucing date 36500.0 , 0. that tradung to V.P. N should not apply Mar 17.11 : 58 . Mr. Patrick agreed |