Image details
Asset code 1 | |
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Contract date | 00:00.0 |
Contract number | 6/WT/5413 |
Contractor | BTH Co Ltd |
Make | BTH |
Model | Equipment Radar AA No 3 Mk 7 |
Wartime number | |
X page | 2318 |
Quantity | |
Transcription |
Frinbodiment beran Equipt Radar FL.A. No 3. MK.7 . P.₁.P.A.R.D . Cont G | WT | 5413 24- 9.11 . 49 . IGNATION : 586/1592 12/50 15m cww.LTD 57/5 Contract No. 10 form 28 11 Contractor . b O.S. 3255.A. dagsly molon indluctance to 3.R 2 " MK l O.S. 2313.A. transmitter SY - L 3 " MET.2 . AP 10637 1 10.10.0 10 10 0.5 . 10559 Ringschamping 3 " magslif Clementis Murd . 90.0.750 O.S. 2000 2 " MRI . 8 0.05 0.8 . 1262.A. Pointers Mr 2.2 " magalif receiver Nola Mrs. 6 0.8.0 0.S. 499 S.A. Bubbles spirit cased No 6 ME .. ! . 2 0.19.01 zc 28109 Plug 22 foint 10 amp flange muts w / cap and chain 2C28110 Sochet 22 foint 10 any flangeminting my cap and chain Cabins radar No. 12. fitted with refrigeratin installation 16 N.O.N. Admirally type Balloons deat's N.I.N. Jehicle No plate Quantity Per Squips * - £ Contract PriceCarr Cacl 1 3.8.1 ( 300 1239 ? Free Tooling S. & Charge P.I.P. Issues Royalty Charge O 2 2.7.6 27 Lol al - 3 3 8 B DO Colimali 332 10 64 O - O 6 29 1 64 + 47 % P.P.R.D. 2 156.5 . € 500.0.0 |