Image details
Asset code 1 | 2475, 2475, 2475, 2475, 2475 |
Asset code 2 | 0056, 0056, 0056, 0056, 0056 |
Contract date | 1953-05-15 00:00:00.000, 1955-09-15 00:00:00.000, 1952-07-30 00:00:00.000, 1955-09-15 00:00:00.000, 1954-01-14 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/10432, 6/V/9788, 6/V/10364, 6/V/9788, 6/V/14821 |
Contractor | Edwards, Edwards, Brownlow & Edwards, Brownlow & Edwards, Tickford |
Make | Albion, Albion, Albion, Albion, Albion |
Model | Truck 10 ton GS Tipper 6x4, Truck 10 ton GS Tipper 6x4, Truck 10 ton GS Tipper 6x4, Truck 10 ton GS Tipper 6x4, Truck 10 ton GS Tipper 6x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , |
X page | 03053, 03053, 03053, 03053, 03053 |
Quantity | 12, 12, 100, 100, 29 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : - Juck , 10- You 6x4 G.S. Albion , Tippen 3 ways . H2663 M57958 / 1918 15,000 3/53 KP804-0 Date Contract No. Contractor 15. 5.53 6 / Vih / 10432 Edwards Bros. 18.6.36 / Val / 9788 Albion molins 5.9.55 / 30752 14.1.54 of Vrh | 14801 Tickford hier Min MS Form 28 ( Bodies 30.7.52 6 / Veh / 10364 Browelow & Edwards 100 6-5-526 / Vel | 9788 Albern motors 6/6 15.9.55 100 Quantity 1 12 . VPN 164 30.7.52-6 / 1ch / 10365 Edwarder foor ( Bodies ) 100 100 29 Per Contract Price £ S. d . O in 3857 09 یار 19 5 11 40 Carr . Charge T P.I.P. Free Issues Royalty 2475.0056 384175-02-642 Tooling Charge £ HQ IN Cost Price S. d . 500 in 3,857 09 190 5 % 12.2 5 % 4,850 00 RO me 4354 9 1 % 5 % 1-2-2 5 % 3 % 3 % 40510000w . Transferred to fv . 11005 ) ( AEC ) 4.2.2 CAT . No. FV . 11105 DRWG . NO . INSPN . CON . BCH . Remarks 6 / V / 97886 3 l 4 485 iste leffect of d |