Image details
Asset code 1 | 2264, 2264 |
Asset code 2 | 0073, 0073 |
Contract date | 1968-04-29 00:00:00.000, 1971-10-26 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | FV7524, FV7524 |
Contractor | Mann Egerton, Mann Egerton |
Make | Alvis, Alvis |
Model | Truck 5 ton High Mobility Load Carrier REME Fitters FFR 6x6 Stalwart FV624, Truck 5 ton High Mobility Load Carrier REME Fitters FFR 6x6 Stalwart FV624 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 03065, 03065 |
Quantity | 60, 60 |
Transcription |
MS Form 28 DESIGNATION : Date TRUCK CARGO HMLC 5 TON 6X6 FFR REME FITTERS FV 624 ( Steam . ) Contract No. Contractor 29.4.68 Fv 7524 Alvis Std . 31. 1068 Amondt 12 us 21.1.2./7.0 Amendt 16 € 800 PROV . Quantity Supply and fit Radio . Installation for falta aspect ... STALWART .. Per 42 Nett Contract Price 10. KA 1476 / 10 8 . 60 . 140 100 . 15666 O 8 Amendt 19. 35D 26/10/7 . 60 EA 18885.53 . VOCAB Free NO MORK P.I.P. Issues TOOLING PROV . 2078 Insp . Cat . No. 2264-0073 . H.Q. R & D Carr . Vocab Rate 42 5 2078 31 / 4² ° 35 745 15 212.00-00 72078 . REMARKS 4 PLOS 4140.10.0 24 . supply and fat . Radio Installation . ... price from Hem !. WITH FITTERS ASPECT |