Image details
Asset code 1 | 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025 |
Asset code 2 | 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171, 0171 |
Contract date | 1955-09-25 00:00:00.000, 1955-09-25 00:00:00.000, 1955-11-18 00:00:00.000, 1956-03-29 00:00:00.000, 1955-03-23 00:00:00.000, 1955-10-12 00:00:00.000, 1955-01-25 00:00:00.000, 1955-10-06 00:00:00.000, 1956-04-30 00:00:00.000, 1956-04-05 00:00:00.000, 1956-06-29 00:00:00.000, 1956-06-05 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/17333, 6/V/16072, 6/V/21229, 6/V/21811, 6/V/17702, 6/V/20548, 6/V/18569, 6/V/21283, 6/V/23078, 6/V/22952, 6/V/23778, 6/V/23740 |
Contractor | Edwards Bros, Vauxhall, Marshall Motor Bodies, Vauxhall, Marshall Motor Bodies, Marshall Motor Bodies, Vauxhall, Mickleover Transport, Mickleover Transport, Vauxhall, Mickleover Transport, Vauxhall |
Make | Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford |
Model | Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170, 03170 |
Quantity | 250, 250, 3000, 3000, 40, 350, , 157, 23, 18, 230, 230 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Date 4 ( 6/53 ) S10354 M68086 Wt.7305 D1274 1/54 20M T & Co . G834 . Contract No. Truck BEDFORD & COMMER 3 ton 4x4 GS Cargo R`type chassis . Bodies Bodies Average Price ( Bodies ) 6 / Val / 16073 Vauxhall motion 1 19 T.C Bedford R. type charis Contractor 35.955 6 / Val / 193.33 Edwards Brod . ( Bodlers ) 6 / 2th p1029 Marshall boton voding 29.3.556 6 / VEN / 121811 Jauschall . VPN164 taft ( Bodhing ) 6/1/17703 Marshall Moton Bost MS Form 28 Quantity 178 72 2.50 * Per MJ in Contract Price + S. 12.10.53 6 / 90ch | 20548 Tarshall Throter . Bodrer 350 each 243 25.1.05 G / VEN / 18569_ Vauxhall Chamis 3a 920 amets 6.10.55 6 / Vel / 21283 mmickleover Transport + lach 256 14 £ 2 20 366 do 20 0.5 emal 4 / 5.12.5 50s amat 6 260 371 15 5 94200 985 F 3.000 018 of c / C . 3,000 ca 981 14 11 1199.18 11 4 40 232 13 62 1 Tooling Free Charge . Issues 9 yo * Body Average R Type bhassis ( See 6 vel / 18549 ) Buckleover Trans 30.4.56 6 / kh / 33078 222 631 931 36 18 + 2 in Tool 356 17.6 Ea 982 00 un 2.39 I WIL GIVEN 2220 Inshall . Chansia 18 29.6.56 6/04/33778 huckleover . Trans / enterthassis " a 973 19 122 ) 9.30 a 274 410.3 Sitta Ha unser 3 % P.I.P. R. & D. Carr . Charge wets . amics . d / 5.15 . 5'5 ' ' w annot F + IN 31/8/0 CAT . No. 7/3 1-13-0 5 % 5 % 17 13500 1.19.3 54 Inc 52 54 Que 3 VPN VGH HO IN 3 % 342 2.2.4 5 % bout 54₂ 5 % 5 % 18 . F√13109 Cost Price £ S. d . 5 % 1 % 1 % . 1300 00 1 % 1300 1400 130000 Plus £ 10305.18.6 140000 fansellement of Remarks Body only £ 264.5.5 + 16 % = £ 280.0.0 Air min Spassin et not yet placed 5 % 5 % 1 % 1350.00 17 1350.0.0 O 23/9/64 . bhassis contract 8 / 026 / 18569 bhasses contract 26 | Veh / 18569 T 6 / Bale 67 6 / 1 / 1h / 39950 14500 Body only £ 265.00 6/6 et 6/2/33018 очень 1 |