Image details
Asset code 1 | 2260, 2260 |
Asset code 2 | 0066, 0066 |
Contract date | 1962-08-16 00:00:00.000, 1962-08-16 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | FV1478, FV1478 |
Contractor | Mann Egerton, Mann Egerton |
Make | Alvis, Alvis |
Model | Truck 5 ton High Mobility Load Carrier 6x6 Stalwart Mk 1, Truck 5 ton High Mobility Load Carrier 6x6 Stalwart Mk 1 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 03059, 03059 |
Quantity | 125, 125 |
Transcription |
f DESIGNATION : - TRUCK HIGH MOBILITY LOAD CARRIER CAT . NO . Lew ( HMLC ) 5 TON 6x6 ALVIS STALWART MK 1 ( 1277 ) M724079 M / 7329 25,000 12/62 TS & Co.Ltd . Gp.815 Date Contract No. Contractor 16-8-162 FV / 1478 ALVIS LTD 30.5.63 VPN 10H 16 : 8 : 62 EV / 14.78 ALVIS LTD And P / X DTD 21/3/68 MS Form 28 FVRDE SPECN . Quantity 125 125 Per Contract Price Carr . Issues P.I.P. R. & D. Charge PROV # FA13975.00 Tooling Free Charge 354153-03-006 . 2260-0066 Cost Price £ S. d . Ea PROV Ea 1250000 € EST . Ea 25000 € 212. / 1729-805 % 12 % 1 % 1700000 3 % 3 % TOOLING Ace . 3 S. d . Remarks 1 ASP HOEL · 1 ) 34 3 : 1729-40 55 726 / 6 € 18700.00 + £ 212 Tooling FREE ISSUES SEECT . B 81 MK 8 B ENG TO QTY PRODUCED . SEE PEST CONTRACT £ 180,000 ( Soding conts to be charged against Mix 2 vehicles also ) Lesto |