Image details
Asset code 1 | 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465 |
Asset code 2 | 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014, 0014 |
Contract date | 1951-08-27 00:00:00.000, 1951-08-27 00:00:00.000, 1951-11-19 00:00:00.000, 1952-05-10 00:00:00.000, 1954-01-26 00:00:00.000, 1953-07-03 00:00:00.000, 1955-03-31 00:00:00.000, 1953-12-16 00:00:00.000, 1954-02-17 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/8182, 6/V/8160, 6/V/8324, 6/V/8160, 6/V/8509, 6/V/7552, 6/V/14904, 6/V/13696, 6/V/13696 |
Contractor | ACV Sales, ACV Sales, Park Royal, ACV Sales, Park Royal, Thompson Bros, Thompson Bros, ACV Sales, ACV Sales |
Model | Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3, Truck 10 ton Fuel Tanker (2500 gallon) 6x2 Mammoth Major Mk 3 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , |
X page | 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023, 03023 |
Quantity | 80, 67, 86, , , 104, 26, 26, 26 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : S9346 M61457 Wt.1770 D848 6/53 20M T & Co . G834 . Date 27.8.51 prise . 10.5.52 Contract No. 6 / Veh18182 Mcs Soles 27.8.51 67 Veh / 8160 ACV Sales 23-3.53 Prive letten Prin litter Contractor Cabs 12516 / Veh / 8324 - Park Royal Schicles ( lahassis ) 10.5.526 / 2 / 8160 36.1.546 / Vak / 8509 3.7.536 / ah / 755a Thampun T Truck ( Chassis ) 10 ton 6x4 mammoth brajor RECCAT . NO . 2.500gel AVTUR Refueller lode 384240-72-604 ( FUEL TANKER ) . 2465.0014 MS Form 28 Quantity Chassis / babs . Less Cob 7 80 244 A.C.V. Dainis Park Royal Bahicle's A 3.7.53 . 6 / Vele / 7552 Phompson Preston 3.3 55 ya / 14904 Shompson Baoe Kilston 4/04/13696 A.C.V. Salo ( Chassis ) 17.3.54 ( boks ) ( donks ) to st VPN 1/64 z Per 80 2864 17 2 24 316 3 8 08/2 67 8086 bach 250 2 2 +176 Refueller Equipt Complete 26 26 Contract Price Tooling Free P.I.P. , R. & D. £ S. d . Charge Issues THE IN 104 back 365100.1 3 3 % 17 2886 4 5 2014 10 3651 ) in in tadsentt Hook D / antif + Gofsias parchens 119.31 5 % 5 % 1-13-0 Carr . Charge Cost Price £ S. d . 190 7.600 FV . 11009 7.600 000 8.1.0 . Remarks the Pro 3798 180 3.5.11 16.2 317 13 5 / 52.170 8,450.0.0.1 / 27 / 1 / 59 : // i Ea 7558 7 2 3 % 3 % / 4 / 701-12-0 5 % 5 % 1 % 8900 Lavon 10/04 лика Дине |