Image details
Asset code 1 | 1820, 1820 |
Asset code 2 | 2103, 2103 |
Contract date | 1960-05-03 00:00:00.000, 1961-01-25 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | KL/H/0717, KL/J/0282 |
Contractor | Cravens Holloway, Marshall Motor Bodies |
Make | Austin, Austin |
Model | Truck 1 ton GS Cargo Dropside Multi-fuel engine 4x4 Series 3, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo Dropside Multi-fuel engine 4x4 Series 3 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 03093, 03093 |
Quantity | 50, 50 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 1277 ) M724079 M / 7329 25,000 12/62 TS & Co.Ltd . Gp.815 Date Contract No. TRUCK MS Form 28 I TON G.S. CARGO DROPSIDE HXH н SERIES ITT ( MULTI FUEL ENGINE ) AUSTIN Contractor 3-5-60 KL / H / OYIY Custin motor 4-6-63 CHASSIS + CAB 25-1-61 KLJ / 0282 Marshall motor BODY Quantity 50 50 Contract Price £ S. d . Ea 1800 00 Per Ea 250 18 11 20501811 Tooling Free Charge Issues P.I.P. CAT . No. FV 16012 feuse 314136-01-238 1820.2103 Carr . R. & D. Charge Cost Price £ 8. d . Remarks 7 EMBLOAN- FELB 26 CHASSIS TO BE FITTED REAR TOWING BKT & HOOK 42 REAR BUMPERS -19-3-0 . EMB LOAN -NO PLATES 2 FV1380474132048 . |