Image details
Asset code 1 | 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850 |
Asset code 2 | 0101, 0101, 0101, 0101, 0101, 0101, 0101, 0101 |
Contract date | 1952-08-12 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-12 00:00:00.000, 1953-10-05 00:00:00.000, 1954-01-04 00:00:00.000, 1954-02-24 00:00:00.000, 1954-04-12 00:00:00.000, 1954-05-19 00:00:00.000, 1954-07-16 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/7877, 6/V/8411, 6/V/13992, 6/V/13992, 6/V/15323, 6/V/13992, 6/V/7877, 6/V/15595 |
Contractor | British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland, British Leyland |
Make | Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin |
Model | Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Cargo FFW 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , |
X page | 03103, 03103, 03103, 03103, 03103, 03103, 03103, 03103 |
Quantity | 1200, 1200, 718, 250, , 352, 323, 312 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : - TRUCK I TON G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Date Bundt 6 12.8.52 hands 24. 3. 53 5.10.53 / Vel / 13992 amal3 Contract No. bheiſis 6 / Vel / 7877 ] [ Austen mustors that 6 / Vah / 8011 ke 6.5 54 del 24 Valo / 105.30.3 // 13990 25.7.56 44 1.7.5 / 10695 MS Form 28 2 7 Contractor C 7 t VPN 1/64 P 4 x 4 Bodef Campin sich bediediter bab 1200 ) ccompenti whicle ) " VPN1164 - vehicle ) Quantity Anmesine meion complete VPN 1/64 G.S. ( AUSTIN ) 1200 ) Each 9600 d 1000 Tra 479 K3 Revised too cut . 78 250 bhanie bab 30.3 Vehiell . 3/07 Per Contract Price Carr . £ S. d . Charge 1840 CARGO CM P.I.P. 1 F.F.W. 314650-01-236 1850.0101 Free Teeling Issues Royalty Charge ha IN 8 in 1033 9 7 each 1014 1970 4 2 1 57 จ Ea 1014+ £ 19 2013.0 ・ ・ ? 17.3 % 5 % 1200 @ £ 9 72 - 170 5 % 3 % , 50 % 3/4 of12500 against ( 1095.0.06 . 1095 0,0 O hidden tool charge . # $ 135000 £ 58,965 * £ 33.36 90 Law . T 1725 Cost Price S. d . FV16002 8 CAT . No. 77657 ( a ) il DRWG . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . Remarks uma4ew ફ 997 te Fertig горов Willy opt W / t & quipt , * 6 h 1250 5 / 033.36 1350 of 3 % O Plus L5-8-9 and 14 170 5701.15.0 5 % / 37.36.1165.11 . or without batteries $ 1,150 80. H₂ IN 1 % 5 % 1-15-05 % 0-33-3.612.50 0.3 % 3 / % . Lavor Lewr |