Image details
Asset code 1 | 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638, 2638 |
Asset code 2 | 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138, 0138 |
Contract date | 1953-05-06 00:00:00.000, 1954-04-21 00:00:00.000, 1954-09-13 00:00:00.000, 1957-07-09 00:00:00.000, 1957-09-04 00:00:00.000, 1958-01-23 00:00:00.000, 1958-12-01 00:00:00.000, 1960-08-31 00:00:00.000, 1960-10-25 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/12330, 6/V/15778, 6/V/17316, 6/V/25955, 6/V/25515, 6/V/26836, 6/V/20103, 6/V/20103, KL/H/0805 |
Contractor | Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Vauxhall |
Make | Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford |
Model | Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV, Van 10/12 cwt short wheel base 4x4 CASV |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , |
X page | 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145, 03145 |
Quantity | 2, 160, 12, 2, 40, 1, , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 6/55 ) S12175 M756299 Wt.4739 D1806 12/55 20M T & Co . G834 . Date Contract No. -Bedford Von ( Known 21.6.546 / 164 / 15778 13.5.026 / 4674 / 17316 9-7-57 QUEH / 25955 " 4.9.576 / VE / 25515 6.0.53 6 / VE / 12330 Vauxhall Molino -it 23.1.58 6 / Vet / 26836 Vauxhall Motas 1-12-58 6 / Ven / 120103 1-2-59 31-8-60 . 406 / №oh / 20103 fund No. 12 . Effection from 6/9/60 . 25.10.60 KL / H / 0805 Effective from 6.10.60 MS Form 28 as " CAV " Van prior to 21.2.0 Contract Price Quantity Contractor - 2 160 12 2 40 1 6 10/12 cuot , Mode & T . Now . 19.S.V. , Short Wtal Standard Model to 2638-0138 Per £ S. d . Ta 33000 Ea 33900 Ta 34200 ६ Ea 381 10 O Ea 36800 Eu 359 of Tooling Charge R / e Ea 369 / Free Issues 1.19.3 R / C Ea 367 26 R / C 3a 364 180 17.45 R / 6³ ' Ea . 369 00 X no charge X. Plutis f !. P.I.P. R. & D. Carr . Charge Cost Price £ S. d . Remarks q Lee . Itt for At Extras £ * 3 years from 6/10/57 For Extras ope boutract om 8 + .B see extors CONT'D . |