Image details
Asset code 1 | 2025, 2025, 2025 |
Asset code 2 | 0171, 0171, 0171 |
Contract date | 1954-07-16 00:00:00.000, 1954-09-25 00:00:00.000, 1954-09-25 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/16727, 6/V/17333, 6/V/16072 |
Contractor | Normand, Edwards Bros, Vauxhall |
Make | Bedford, Bedford, Bedford |
Model | Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Truck 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 03168, 03168, 03168 |
Quantity | 300, 250, 150 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : FV 13101 Date H1609 M52672 / 1636 12,000 9/52 KP804 Contract No. 2 Contractor Quantity Body , for & Type Chassis 300 ✓ 110.7.24 ( of Vate ) 6737 darmand the MS Form 28 Body Chassis 25.9.546 / 12 / 17333 Eolmard Bros. Budie ) 178 ✓ ( Bodies ) Ancrage prinesie ) 10 . n 4 / Vet / 16072 Vanedall hurtion 19. 7 / E * Average * 247 Thamis 1.17 . 932 9 مطلب Average 150 - Per لسميد + hate Contract Price £ 3 d . 5 5ct 14 in 8 14 O 6 5 . P.I.P. S. 23 not included in averag Carr . Charge O 266 360 in O in 364 5 5 1 % 5 % 7/3 in D kı - 12.0 qua o 985 Free Issues FV 13109 . Tooling Royalty Charge En 264 5 5 17.5 % X Free Issue Chassis P10 esteticion on 6/0/14700 avrragen . Aber eshthose dis to change to cost price " R " Type chassis trandf transferred LFV 13109 Q.4407 ( R ) 17. 5721.1 5771.120 57 VPN TIGH 5 % ' R ' Type chassis Cost Price £ S. d . 5 % CAT . NO . DRVG . NO . INSPN . CON . BCH . 1300 140000 Lew O Transferred to FV 13/09 5 % 135000 of 300 00 Remarks 294 t 29500 was 0.7 7.1.55 MhAiCA Alp |