Image details
Asset code 1 | 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024 |
Asset code 2 | 0379, 0379, 0379, 0379 |
Contract date | 1951-10-31 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-27 00:00:00.000, 1952-04-22 00:00:00.000, 1952-06-24 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/7016, 6/V/8775, 6/V/8656, 6/V/8656 |
Contractor | Rootes, Strachans Successors, Ford, Ford |
Make | Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford |
Model | Truck 3 ton CL Cargo 4x2, Truck 3 ton CL Cargo 4x2, Truck 3 ton CL Cargo 4x2, Truck 3 ton CL Cargo 4x2 |
Wartime number | , , , |
X page | 03527, 03527, 03527, 03527 |
Quantity | 1, 400, 22, 378 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Date Contract No. 36/10/51 6 / Vel / 7016 Rooles 7/3/53 6 / 1ch ( 4515 13.1.58 . of Ver | 11514 27.8.52 . 6 / Ush / 8775 Strachaus ( Successors ) Atd ( 3 ton hody ) Rundt . 3 . + ↑ Ford . Motor ( 5 von b / b . ) 24.6.52 . 6 / Veh / 8656 . FORD . MS Form 28 Contractor AUSTIN Morris 26 3 TON VPN 1 / 6H ? CL 4X2 GS Quantity 2 400 22 378 Per 1 Teach 889 V CARGO Contract Price £ S. d . ♡ P each 150 each 587 14 11 each 17 6 41 10 7 Carr . Charge P.I.P. 17 87 . I Code no Ford - 337115.00 H23 . 2024.0379 Free Issues 2-1-2-2 . 116 Tooling Reyalty Charge HQ IN 1 £ Cost Price S. d . CAT . NO . DRWG . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . Remarks . Sprice with 4 75⁰ litie engine 7 large tyrels . Cover type 10 / ²0 / 11-2-2 Each 673 19 10 1 % 8 % 1.12.0 Ea 741 10 4 1 % 5 % 1-2-2 3 % 3 %% 8400 O Lev . 79000f jomets $ 9 / 2 / 57 £ 81000 569 LAA . 8/6/55 . 214C Odditional cost Includes modifications , ( Fordson " Thames " 5 ton Heavy Duty 4 × 2 . * Price prior to 22.4.52.- 75125-17-8 for 22 . after 22.452.- £ 590-3-5 fox 378 . C. 124 . 5 Lze a oso 7720 6 своите S. Standard Ty Caul FVDE m . $ . 3. a.FUDE requisition To Standard Truck Body . |