Back to 03 Vehicle Contract Ledgers


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Asset code 1 1765, 1765, 1765, 1765, 1765, 1765
Asset code 2 0501, 0501, 0501, 0501, 0501, 0501
Contract date 1958-06-30 00:00:00.000, 1958-09-19 00:00:00.000, 1958-09-24 00:00:00.000, 1958-09-23 00:00:00.000, 1956-02-10 00:00:00.000, 1956-02-10 00:00:00.000
Contract number 6/V/27455, 6/V/27455, 6/V/27210, 6/V/27169, 6/V/6442, 6/V/10022
Contractor ROF Nottingham, ROF Nottingham, Rootes Ltd, J Sankey, Rootes, Rootes
Make Humber, Humber, Humber, Humber, Humber, Humber
Model Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4, Truck 1 ton CT Armoured FFW 4x4
Wartime number , , , , ,
X page 03569, 03569, 03569, 03569, 03569, 03569
Quantity 100, 200, 600, 600, 600, 500
Transcription DESIGNATION :
CAT . No.
FV . 1612 A
Without winch ) .
" This vehicle is to be produced by converting other trucks of RV.1600 Leries to FV . 161 A.
will be replaced by
is no new produ
S14592 M778304 Wt.7060 D943 4/58 20M T & Co . G834 .
Contract No.
Stem +
Extract 16/58
306.58 | 6 / VER / 27455 R.O.F. Nothing hom . 100
= " Trzeck , 1 Ton , 4x4 . CT . Armoured F.F.W.
Hems . Exelroot 16 / 3¹8 15.5.58 / 6 / 167 / 27455
For conversion of FV.160 24 GEV . ILIRA .
For convernin of FV . 16028.10.161212 .
24.9.58 | 6 / VEH / 27210 Roolis Ud .
23.9.58 / 6 / 1671 / 27169 J. Sankey .
supply of armoured balls .
10-2-56 6 / VE14 / 11
For conversion of FV . 1602 A to FV 1612A .
10.2.56 6/02/644 ) Rorliſ .
0022 Roolis .
Body .
MS Form 28
Chomi's fbat .
VPN 1/64
600 500
310119-01-777 1765.0501
Contract Price £ S. d .
Free Tooling Charge Issues
Ea 62860
Ea 99000 18
with winch FV . 1612 1 .
see poled in V. 16 / 1A .
€ 208.24
500 En 1867 19.26148 + 16 + 730.3-0 .
Za 160 10 .
P.I.P. R. & D.
Carr . Charge
Cost Price
£ S. d .
See on led for
Embodiment Loon ilima
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nam s
5 % 7270 Mo 15,400 0. £ 9,000 / Kuch . 27/1/59 . Kooling
B.60 Engine
The shon frice will be less the scrof Leale ,
Ea 3646 15 216147-6938-2-6 5 % 1/270 1 % 5400003 % 3/1/0 . Leur
( EST )
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