Image details
Asset code 1 | 1710, 1710, 1710, 1710, 1710, 1710 |
Asset code 2 | 0766, 0766, 0766, 0766, 0766, 0766 |
Contract date | 1966-03-04 00:00:00.000, 1969-01-17 00:00:00.000, 1969-07-16 00:00:00.000, 1968-12-20 00:00:00.000, 1971-01-29 00:00:00.000, 1972-03-17 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | WV5054, WV7419, WV7453, WV8678, WV10367, WV10829 |
Contractor | Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover |
Make | Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover |
Model | Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11, Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11, Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11, Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11, Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11, Truck 0.75 ton GS 12v DC RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 11 |
Wartime number | , , , , , |
X page | 03773, 03773, 03773, 03773, 03773, 03773 |
Quantity | 283, 180, 505, 320, 180, 24 |
Transcription |
MS Form 28 DESIGNATION : - TRUCK GS 3 / H TON ROVER 11 674/466 M764559 106854 9/66 50M FHB Ltd 674 Date Contract No. 4.3.66 WV 5054 24-7-67 Amat . 4 . 17.1.68 24 : 5 : 68 WV7419 Contractor Rover Co. APRIL 67 - SEPT 67 . 16.7.68 WV 7453. Rover Co. 20.12.68 WV 8678 Rover Con Priced lette DVD 1/8/69 . " 71 / 2/11/13 . FIRM . 29 29-1-71 WV 10367 3-6-74 Rover Co Ltd Price letter ( Fim Price ) Quantity Rover Co. 180 FA 855 And 4.24 / 5 / 68 price up to 27/10/69 FTO A 855 Simen 1 o 6.19 / 3 / 00 price from 22/10/69 goo.00 505 EA 871-36 206. EA 929 90 320 . -17.3.22 WV10829 Rover Co. Price letter DTD 3/5/72 . Per HXH 150 16 12 VOLT D.C. Nett Contract Price £ 283 EA 851 27 S. d . PROV Free P.I.P. Issues PROV 58 101 EA . 1115.00 Piev . 1110 10 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 24 A 1100.00 PROY 5 % 4 CAT . No. 1410-0766 Insp . H.Q. R & D Carr . £ 34 % 3 % 5 % 12 10000 Vocab Rate A 1050-00 342 32 5 % 1 % 1000.00 34 % 3 % 5 % 1 % 34 % 3 % 5 % S. d . 3148 38 52 18 1000 = = PROV . Jem 2 PROV свойс 1300 REMARKS SPEC 9321 Item 1 . 1300.00 PROV Item 1 .. Item 2 . fRov 256 47 fis |