Image details
Asset code 1 | 4335, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4335 |
Asset code 2 | 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 6171 |
Contract date | 1952-01-04 00:00:00.000, 1952-11-03 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-12 00:00:00.000, 1952-03-21 00:00:00.000, 1952-11-08 00:00:00.000, 1952-11-08 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/9062, 6/V/7981, 6/V/9755, 6/V/9392, 6/V/11153, |
Contractor | Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Park Royal, Normand, Vauxhall, na |
Make | Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford |
Model | Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd Signals (Charging) (Unfitted) 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , |
X page | 05105, 05105, 05105, 05105, 05105, 05105 |
Quantity | 620, 620, 320, 300, 1, |
Transcription |
} DESIGNATION : - H1609 M52672 / 1636 12,000 9/52 KP834 Date 8. 11.52 Contract No. MS Form 28 TRUCK J 3 TON 4 x 4 ( CHARGING ) ( SIGNALS . ) tode 334518-31-340 . Unfilled 4.335.6171 334518.01-360 Filted 13/014335 . 117 | aris On Solia Contractor Previs Quantity 4.1.52 . 6 / Veh / 9062 - Vouschall Trotors Amdt . 9 3.11.52 . 6 / Jeh / 7981 Vauschall Thotors ( 6/6 ) 620 each 1007 10 Internal 12.8.52 6 / Veh / 9755´ Park Royal Vehicles ( Gétiments , tilt etc. ) 320 Teach 138 15 11 21. 3. 52. 6 / Vel / 9392 - Normand Ltd. - Normand ltd.` ( --- ) 300 J VPN 1/64 6 implte vehicle less fitivrutin / 6 / 2ch / 11153 Vanchall motors VPN 1/64 BEDFORD Per - 258 A Contract Price £ S. d . ( Body ) 620 each 96 00 Carr . Charge P.I.P. Free Issues Tooling Royalty Charge HQ- IN 5 % 1 % 8 % € 1-2-2 5 % Cost Price £ S. d . CAT . NO . FV . 13103 DRWG . NO . INSPN . CoN . BCH . 1400 00 Remarks 9 a . Dos Home Counties fitted с.тов . - 15²5 € 14-2-0-0 each FITTED 11500 € 135-7-6 each Egy 121-12 5 11 19/0 5/0 1-2-2 5 % 3/0 3/4 tenfitted Toper Whip Ring , Sering Plaspam 0/0 Platform Lew . 1 % 5 % 1-12-0 $ % in 1103 10 Ea 1103 10 1 % 5 / 01-12-05 % 3 % 3 %% fitted of на с ww.D. Type thin le lance ! UNFITTED 3000 Lear for bonversion of 1 Bedford 3 tox 4x4 barge sex 6 / 002 / 970 29.4.52 . |