Image details
Asset code 1 | 3730, 3730 |
Asset code 2 | 0501, 0501 |
Contract date | 1955-07-27 00:00:00.000, 1955-07-27 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/19329, 6/V/6443 |
Contractor | Marshall, Marshall |
Make | Humber, Humber |
Model | Truck 1 ton GS Wireless 4x4, Truck 1 ton GS Wireless 4x4 |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 05287, 05287 |
Quantity | 400, 400 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Date w . 38 1 Contract No. MS Form 28 FRUCH X d + TOH TRUCK , I TON , CT ) , WIRELESS . 4x4 G.S lode - 3/1670 - 01-777 . NEW CODE Kim 37.7.55 677 / 19.339 Marshall Moton Bodiro 150 Contractor Sa 8 Veh Folio 187 dima Fem 3 6 / vel / 6443 & Roolis ( jelent ( su & Rootis Rooter Quantity Boaves . Charai Hlah . VPN 1/64 ST WIRELESS Contract Price Carr . Free £ S. d . Charge P.I.P. Issues 17 ) 10 / ! 16 / Val / 80 / 4 . gogo } 49 = 412.15-1 1 15 13 5 - Chassis et 6 / 2h / buc 3 Kim 3 Body 250 en 364 15 67 17. 5 % ( previous page ) Each 1882 16 2 17. 57 690.0.0 barr to Body Builder 17 . 5 % 6 Per 314670-01 - YYY 37 30-0501 LIGHT . ( HUMBER ) CAT . No. FV . 1604 ( a ) DRWG . NO . INSPN . CON . BCH . 6/0/6443 Ifth H / Beck , Wading Kit's £ 8-18-5 e en 395 30 Tooling Royalty Charge £ Cost Price S. d . Remarks 4/2/2494 Nung Countings 136,463,550 00 Including Fitoments , Inimiture o Tentange appendices AYB of speen Bed 405 Excluding By Jacluding Pentage £ 30.10.0 . 150. Ea . 4442 15 1 En 1882 16 2 . . } } 12 5 % 6 % 0.0.0 52 136-416 3.5000 of 400 . Ea 2295 11 3 1 % 5 % 690-00 5 % 136-4-636-50 H novs / / 16 / 3 / 60 IN 31 % . 3¼ / 4 / . Lew . |