Image details
Asset code 1 | 4175, 4175, 4175, 4175, 4175 |
Asset code 2 | 0257, 0257, 0257, 0257, 0257 |
Contract date | 1952-10-22 00:00:00.000, 1952-07-22 00:00:00.000, 1952-11-24 00:00:00.000, 1952-07-25 00:00:00.000, 1954-11-25 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/9912, 6/V/7878, 6/V/10953, 6/V/7878, 6/V/10953 |
Contractor | Mann Egerton, Rootes, Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Rootes, Saunders |
Make | Commer, Commer, Commer, Commer, Commer |
Model | Truck 3 ton GS Telecommunication Repair (Unfitted) 4x4 Mk 3, Truck 3 ton GS Telecommunication Repair (Unfitted) 4x4 Mk 3, Truck 3 ton GS Telecommunication Repair (Unfitted) 4x4 Mk 3, Truck 3 ton GS Telecommunication Repair (Unfitted) 4x4 Mk 3, Truck 3 ton GS Telecommunication Repair (Unfitted) 4x4 Mk 3 |
Wartime number | , , , , |
X page | 05237, 05237, 05237, 05237, 05237 |
Quantity | 75, 75, 65, 65, 65 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : - TRUCK IDE H236 M42048 / 2644 16,000 2/52 KP804-0 Date Contract No. -6 / Vel / 9912 Mann Egerten 3 TON Contractor MS Form 28 13/6/55 Par CB 14. A 4x 4 25.7.52 . 6 Veh / 78 78 24.1.52 . 6 , Vah / 10953 . Havenders - Roe ( Anglesey ) ( Budy ) Average Price 25.7.52 . 6 / Jch / 1878 Rostes Ltd. ( Cenme by b . ) 65 y 334878-01-662 Quantity Mann Egesten & Co. ( Budy ) 75 Routes ltd . ( kommer b / b . ) 75 News nounge prise of body G.S 25.11 . 54. 6 / Val / 10953 Saundussamdid prier 65 Average Pine Body Aurange Price Kodef * Thouner on average price of hody Increase on average prince of body Twade 65 sur each Per COMMER ✓ $ 573.13.0 * each 489 # 13 7 + 1 % each 1339 12 9 / 1² / 1 $ 627 14 115 tulisi int Los 90 ia NAV T Installation of and supply equipt to TOTE 1525 Fitted - 4175-0257 Contract Price Carr . £ d . S. Charge + 1 % each 1339 12 9 2 0311¹2 TELECOMMUNICATION * 543 3 6 4 1 % 5123 554 4.38 16 6 P.I.P. 1 % 3246 5 % O 5 % £ 1-2-2 550 695 7 5 % 112Q 5 % 1 10 1/3 39 12 9½ ( Jotharſis Carr 1911 8122 1 % 5 % Est 800 Free Issues 5 % £ 1-2-2 per CCR € 627. , 18.9 5 1.12.0 Former macky Truck Z INSPN . machy Sigs بي Tooling Royalty Charge REPAIR . MMK CAT . No. FV . 13203 III DRWG . NO . 5 % 191 Cost Price £ S. fates d . O P.T.O CoN . BCH . ACI 163/55 3150 210000 Genequipped th 21500 Fixed Container Body , Amet . 1 - modification details . Amat . 3 - printing Registration we's C.YOA . Remarks Fissed Container Body . Unequipped Unfitter € 2150.00 رجات اور Equipped to 7816 1525 . € 2950 00 fast . TO Revised Coading que by audii . аз ввен . 14/3/55 , C.10A . The many price unndli Study the cause of the unted alterations . 10/07/35073 Pratskle ston & provisions of federativen C to quegiones ment |