Image details
Asset code 1 | 4830, 4830, 4830, 4830, 4830, 4830, 4830 |
Asset code 2 | 5910, 5910, 5910, 5910, 5910, 5910, 5910 |
Contract date | 1954-12-10 00:00:00.000, 1955-11-02 00:00:00.000, 1956-03-07 00:00:00.000, 1956-08-10 00:00:00.000, 1957-11-28 00:00:00.000, 1957-11-06 00:00:00.000, 1958-11-28 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/17321, 6/V/21517, 6/V/22524, 6/V/24027, 6/V/26566, 6/V/26303, 6/V/27937 |
Contractor | Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers, Lewin Road Sweepers |
Make | Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft |
Model | Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2, Truck 5 ton Mtd CL Road Sweeper Collector Sprinkler LHD 4x2 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , |
X page | 05447, 05447, 05447, 05447, 05447, 05447, 05447 |
Quantity | 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 1 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 6/55 ) S12175 M756299 Wt.4739 D1806 12/55 20M T & Co . G834 . Date Contract No. " Tuck , 5. Jon , CL , 4 × 2 . 296 Road CAT . No. Thornyesoft / Lewin Pead Leweeses , bollection Shinäußle . Channis : – " Nippy , Model TR4 / 01 ) 2.11.55 / 6 / VEN / 21517 2-3-56 / 6 / vc74 / 22524 10.8.06 6 / VETY / 24027 MS Form 28 10.12.02 / VE74 / 17321 Kewir Road tweepers 1 VPN 1/64 1 28-16-576 / 167 / 26566 6-11-57 / 4 / 16741 / 26302 28-1586 / V = H / 27937 Contractor " 1 1 Quantity XPN 1/64 ( 1 4 5 l Per Contract Price £ S. d . für Including set of shore brusher bode . 357277.00.949 4830 Cost Price DO Free Fooling harge Issues P.I.P. R. & D. IN 1.15.3 57 Carr . Charge 61 . 1.19.3 /457.8.72 . - £ Ea 218500 1.15.35 % 1 % → 2300.00 Ea 2185 00 340 1-19.3 5 % 3 % 4 % 10 % 245000 Lev Ea 2,210 00 1.12.6 Ea 2210 00 Eu 2,1710 2433-1 Ea 242915 ६ Ea 2621 18 48305910 LHD 5910 S. d . and 170 230000 Remarks 4 ( a ) F.EXB . than wonten Fe B. / 27815102 F.E.B. MK.9 . 2,80000 / 157 / 9 / 538 / 13 a 264011 ४ 1-14.3 5 % 10.280000 R.O. F. Worliet . KEA 2640 11 8 30 1-19.3 5 % / 3 / 4 % 1 % 2950 With shae bruchert we |