Image details
Asset code 1 | , , |
Asset code 2 | , , |
Contract date | 1954-03-05 00:00:00.000, 1954-04-18 00:00:00.000, 1955-01-11 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/15104, 6/V/15776, 6/V/17713 |
Contractor | Transport Equipment Thornycroft, Transport Equipment Thornycroft, Transport Equipment Thornycroft |
Make | Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft |
Model | Truck 3 ton Mtd GS Fire Crash 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd GS Fire Crash 4x4, Truck 3 ton Mtd GS Fire Crash 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 05445, 05445, 05445 |
Quantity | 80, 1, 1 |
Transcription |
$ DESIGNATION : S9346 M61457 Wt.1770 D848 6/53 20M T & Co . G834 . Date Contract No. Fire Tinder , 3. Ton HXH G.S. ( Thermycroft ) , Brush Contractor MS Form 28 RAF OR RN Colinssiz 5. 3. is it 6 / Vel / 13:04 Transport Egt . " 1. it . Bis of Valeo / 15776 Transport Egf . ( Jokoaris ) ✓ 6 / ch / 17713 transport bas Quantity 7 Per Contract Price £ S. d . in 1960 160 in in 2003 00 un 1961 V FV . 13402 Chasis only win of Sapply . bharris Complete Schiele supplied by hein of Works Free Tooling Charge Issues EST * 710.0.0 7.12.0 2711-10-0 P.I.P. X 701 12.0 CAT . No. R. & D. 727 2/22 ] Carr . Charge Cost Price S. d . Remarks * 4 MK 6.D. TF / B80 80 chassis B.80 ingine . ' NUBIAN ' 70/2009 stures 2.30 engende 44/6/350 classis , 380 MR SD ingine , Fire Ex . |