Image details
Asset code 1 | 1430, 1430, 1430, 1430, 1430, 1430 |
Asset code 2 | 0915, 0915, 0915, 0915, 0915, 0915 |
Contract date | 1950-11-19 00:00:00.000, 1950-12-12 00:00:00.000, 1951-06-13 00:00:00.000, 1951-12-19 00:00:00.000, 1951-06-13 00:00:00.000, 1951-12-19 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/5727, 6/V/5579, 6/V/6974, 6/V/6391, 6/V/6974, 6/V/6391 |
Contractor | Mickleover Transport, Thornycroft, Mickleover Transport, Thornycroft, Mickleover Transport, Thornycroft |
Make | Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft |
Model | Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 , Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 , Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 , Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 , Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 , Tractor 5 ton GS Field Artillery 6x6 |
Wartime number | , , , , , |
X page | 06109, 06109, 06109, 06109, 06109, 06109 |
Quantity | 50, 50, 46, 46, 46, 46 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : M22586 / 1592 12/50 15m cww.LTD . 57/5 Date FIELD ARTILLERY TRACTOR . TRACTOR , 5 TON , G.S. FIELD ARTILLERY , 6x6 . 13.6.51 . Contract No. Contractor Michleover Body chassie 19-11-50 / 6 / Jen / 5727 Transport hist 12-12-506 Uch 5579 Thornycrott bic . Additional fitments 6 / Vel / 6974 " Micklover Transport . MS Form 28 U 4 12.12.51 . 6 / Veh . / 6391 Transport Equipt . ( Thermycroft ) DRWG . NO . INSPN THORNY CROFT . ( Chassis Nubien TF1 / 8.80 ) " B denies Engine . 232 15 4 * Cad . 215 12 2 50 50 Earl . 1.672 00 Chassis 50 each 40159 817 3 Contract Price Carr . Free Tooling Quantity Per cck152 Charge P.I.P. Issues Royalty Charge Mickleover Transport . Body . 46 bhoopis . 50 13.6.51 . 6 / Vel / 6974 michkeover Transport . ( Budy ) 46 19.12.51 . 6 / ch / 6391 Pransport Equipt . ( Phornepersoft ) ( Chassis ) 46 Completi Tractor Revised loading each . 256 10 2 1 % 8 % 1801 % to each 1891 Included 46 28/11/52 . Finalized price each 1939 13 94 1 % 7 / 1 / 03_Material corts mcreased each 1949 19 103 1 % 1430-0915 each 266 14 3 1 % Suct 1 % each 1939 13 9 19 2 . 8 % onded 8 % Londed 8 % 631-9-5 / 266 14 3 5 % 17 5 % 1939 13 9 17 57 213195 57 + 5 % 2206 80 . FV.14103 Cost Price £ . S. d . L.C.R 1.5.3 280 2700 3000 290 14 CAT . NO . 4 On NUBIAN 4 × 4 Chassis / Bob IID RR engine with 180 x • Free Issues overleaf . 069 Q. HoHR ) 2950 2850 00 3/50 3100 C.C.R. dated 20.11.52 . 23100 00 emplete cest prise changed . G 126 प्राव Remarks fickt artillery Tractor body . Nubian TFB80 classis & Free Isoves overleaf . Additional fitments : - 24 volt dies control board . , tropie proofing engines parts , a niodifications C.69 . of * Price per CCR includes various addus now . deleted . I X t 2802 11 34. Free Jaser 3100 O.C On " NUGIAN " *** e / b . with 13.80 IP RR . engine . ove overle of @ And 113 17/4/63 C.69 Body only & Kandfor CRE |