Image details
Asset code 1 | |
Asset code 2 | |
Contract date | 00:00.0 |
Contract number | V4997 |
Contractor | Morris Commercial |
Make | Morris |
Model | Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4 C8 Mk 3 |
Wartime number | |
X page | 6069 |
Quantity | 750 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : DESIGN 242 TRACTORS C8 / MK.III F.A. CAT . NO . 127 Fractor , 3 Ion , G.S. Field Artillesz . 484x , Morris C8 . MK IC . Dawa . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . ) 15716G6642 [ 88458 ] 37760/9432 50m 10/44 M & C Ltd. 51/1 Date Contract No. yen 14.10.1643 Atems 3 . 1.6.44 V / 499 Ya ) 19.10.43 V / 4997 Contractor Morris Comml . La Quantity Per موما 150 booke , 434905-01-523 Contract Price Costed Price £ S. d . £ S. d . Ea 540 JU 595 Free Issues £ S. d . 87 14 87/14 M to old designs . # 680 to new designs # 680 +45/0 Remarks € 990 413 |