Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1942-04-04 00:00:00.000, 1942-05-15 00:00:00.000, 1942-11-28 00:00:00.000, 1943-01-16 00:00:00.000, 1943-10-08 00:00:00.000, 1944-06-21 00:00:00.000, 1943-01-16 00:00:00.000, 1945-03-28 00:00:00.000, 1943-04-03 00:00:00.000, 1942-10-13 00:00:00.000, 1942-04-03 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | V4722, V3957, 23/S362, VS4999, 23/116, 23/5728, V4999, T12774, V4538, T8482, V4538 |
Contractor | Guy, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Guy, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial, Morris Commercial |
Make | Guy, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Guy, Morris, Morris, Morris |
Model | Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4, Tractor 3 ton GS Field Artillery 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073, 06073 |
Quantity | , , , 1010, 250, 500, 500, 20, 500, 43, 500 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : * ( 18186D ) Wt 30386/4796 25000 10/42 HJ R & L Gp 745/6 ( 19703D Wt 39611/9505 25,000 12/42 TRACTOR , FIELD ARTILLERY , 4 x 4. G.S. 3 TON Date Contract No. 4/4/43 1/4702 15/5/43 1/3957 15/5/42 V / 3957 28 / 11 / 4823 / 5.362 16/1/43 V / S.4999 8-10.45 23/116 21.6.44 23/5728 16.1.43 V / 4999 Contractor Guy Morris 11 " to record in Contract . 1989 1909 +967 250 500 500 13-10-42 T 8482 Garner Mobile Eyr V / 4538 3.4 . 42. - / 12494 . Marris bonm free tosue + 45 % heizu 50 20 Guy 3.4.43 V / H538 . Mornis Comml ** 500 Quantity X ✓ + 8 % PIP + 1 % TC * Actival bost 1943 S 500 Per Ea la ea : " " Doch Contract Price £ S. d . 450 00 $ 90 100 56696 59000 627 590 595 o 644 10 870 625⁰ 10 O O 1 1 Costed Price S. d . £ 619 98 if 1698 12 8 1,250 00 1792 156 625 60 73 12.8 698 128 314 78 % . 95 / 4² 81 10 18 912 1100 Free Issues £ S. d . 661611 76 10.0 - Cooted 19/9/45 . 85 63 246 73 128 CAT . No. 124 DRWG . N INSPN . Remarks Con . BCH c / w winch B.C.P. £ 820 hight A.A. body . Ak . I. / C. 8. / F.W.D type 2630 c.8 . mk . III 8 ' 3 " W.B £ 630 681010 42 15 4 60154 4504 501210 C. 8. MK.III £ 640 £ 650 £ 650 60 15 4 re - deaigned body are item . 1. £ 710 49 11 Quad , Ant $ 920 73198 26 abo Vis SR 1957 gomets 31/10751 Quoted to bhitwell . * Ond ] C.R.A.C.C. HONG KONG 31/12/52 . Ils ze fan2 27 winch BCP - 1510 B.6.P.F6906 680 BloP . £ 100 each & C8 Type £ 1,800 frumfred from Ruplease bear 20/3/52 . |