Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , |
Contract date | 1951-08-17 00:00:00.000, 1954-10-26 00:00:00.000, 1955-11-29 00:00:00.000, 1955-07-30 00:00:00.000, 1956-03-08 00:00:00.000, 1956-10-25 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/7360, 6/V/17684, 6/V/5302, 6/V/5718, 6/V/9120, 6/V/24735 |
Contractor | Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment |
Make | Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft, Thornycroft |
Model | Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer, Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer, Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer, Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer, Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer, Tractor 30 ton Ballast Body 6x4 Antar Mk 1b for Full Trailer |
Wartime number | , , , , , |
X page | 06115, 06115, 06115, 06115, 06115, 06115 |
Quantity | 61, 43, 15, 8, 8, 40 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Date S9346 M61457 Wt.1770 D848 6/53 20M T & Co . G834 . Contract No. tode 494986-22-941 Contractor Eq . 17.8.51 6 / Vel / 7360 Tranopt teg . ( Thorned DL . Tractor 30 ton 6X4 ( Thomey ANTAR ) BALLAST BODY for Hall trailer . Jull MKIB . - Klim 3 . 2 MS Form 28 Quantity FV / 2003 мка 494986-02-996 . hote : Prices of various winches may vary between ( 430 and h 7000 NEW CODE IN95 0902 Cost Price 61 dép to and 10 5/7/9/515 6 / Vel / 5302 Transport Equipt . 22 //// 55 : ( Thormy crotion ) mighlig / 5 * 30.7.55 6 / Vaher / 5718 Transport Cyt ( Bedry ) 8 berbe bhnesi's Winch 27.3.56 Ø 36. 10. 24 6 / tih / 17654 Transper Ceili 95 4. - 8845 15 kaer 149 0/0 36.10.54 Fitted w / winch 34 amat2 £ 2,200-19-95 % 5 % £ 2,001.19.9 e / winch . & winch 2428 9807 23 54 4 15.7.56 2,201.19.9 Transferred from Tractor Jolis 192 8 Burlington siype 70 winch 8 bhassis . Per Audi 8 . 8.3.56 6 / 3 / 1h / 9130 Transpor Benpomy balles Badion ) 8 bab £ nec controvet before and in Contract Price Tooling Free S. d . Charge Issues m ( Bhamis 7054 , 10 . bab 382.20 Böden 741.3 . Winch 2,285 sa al 10 A 89 741 30 7. 040 18 Jon 2,085 00 Ku - 13-8 . 337 8 9 500 10 1 438 87 in 7.505 11 7 87 65 19 24-135 . 25.10.56 6 Veh ( 201o transport Equipment Ho на K.A. 10780 6 11 / Free Issues : Fire Exck & beracket Beache 1.2.2 42,200 5 % Engine £ 2.200 21-19.31 tứ000 P.I.P. R. & D. 1.193 5 % 19.8 * 1-19-3 40,000 1 * Meteorite Mak . 204 Enginer Assembly , T.O.T.E. items ( See Appendix " A " to contracts ) . 5 % CAT . No. Carr . Charge 176 with wh L S. d . of shut . with su avunce of shut . Remarks S 12390131 wa uznih 11,800.00 isenso . Platis . £ 12.300.0.95 37 . 5 % 57. 17. € 14,100.0 . 5 % with Winch x Free Issue lucteorite engene Frooms as above . Nantington tipe 70/31 winch fitted A ( anti2 ) Plus ( 14400.0.0 ommission on resale of so to drag . of wantington Jesſer 70 Diner A2.000 quotive me leadchinen Wv . 3 ( RA 70/31/26 Spoke Harper W√24 differing cost of winches . He stated that prices . for there are not yet fixed and may vary up to £ 7.000 . £ ¼ / 4 / 536 . babs - liss observation hatch Supply & fit modified " Jack Shaft " to 3 chassis : - I £ 292-13-1 wach Sales Agreemen To be supplies with sets ISTOTE stems free bemore & Depot five ext bracket Teach 2 per velicte |