Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1957-12-03 00:00:00.000, 1958-04-18 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/26587, 6/V/26995 |
Contractor | Tasker, Portsmouth Aviation |
Make | Tasker, Tasker |
Model | Semi-Trailer 15 ton Acetylene Charging Plant 4 twin wheel, Semi-Trailer 15 ton Acetylene Charging Plant 4 twin wheel |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 06215, 06215 |
Quantity | 2, 4 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : S11141 M73921 Wt.2963 D1654 10/54 20M T & Co . G834 . Date 18.4.58 18.458 Contract No. 18.4.58 3-12-516 / VE / 26587 Toskes . Blacio 2 . Hem 3 18.1 58 6/164/26995 Portsmoult Aviation . Body . Stem ( ) Equif . ( Part ) 4 ( 6 ) Conversion of Equip . ( Part ) 15 Ion , Semi - Frailer , foc , HTW / OL Plant Autylene Changing MS Form 28 Contractor Quantity 2 2 2 Equil ( Port ) 2 Per Za Ea Contract Price d . Za 2,399 3 10 ta £ S. $ 596 10 0f $ 8000 4720 431 ча воня о O CAT . No. Free Tooling Charge Issues W / Wah / 17487 Norigs liv Prototyper Body P.I.P. R. & D. Cost Price £ S. FV.3500 ( B ) Carr . Charge d . Remarks Nr . I. M.K. I. Ois - toonditioning Unit irud on Embrodiment ( own and conted to No I.mk. 3 . during five Combustion Waster Hooler , MAKI . NoI . MK..I Ais- Conditioning Unit . No. 2. MK . 3 , Datin ( chilling Plant c / cs bendences . |