Image details
Asset code 1 | 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935 |
Asset code 2 | 1790, 1790, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1790, 1790, 1790, 1790, 1790, 1218, 1218, 1790 |
Contract date | 1952-05-29 00:00:00.000, 1951-12-13 00:00:00.000, 1952-05-29 00:00:00.000, 1951-09-27 00:00:00.000, 1952-05-28 00:00:00.000, 1951-10-18 00:00:00.000, 1952-07-17 00:00:00.000, 1951-12-13 00:00:00.000, 1952-03-06 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-18 00:00:00.000, 1952-03-06 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-16 00:00:00.000, 1952-08-26 00:00:00.000, 1953-11-19 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/8962, 6/V/7319, 6/V/9916, 6/V/8001, 6/V/9917, 6/V/8002, 6/V/9513, 6/V/7319, 6/V/9442, 6/V/10631, 6/V/9442, 6/V/10632, 6/V/8001, 6/V/13922 |
Contractor | W B Bawn & Co, Joseph Sankey, W B Bawn & Co, J Brockhouse, W B Bawn & Co, J Brockhouse, Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Joseph Sankey, Joseph Sankey, Mickleover Transport, Mickleover Transport, Mickleover Transport, J Brockhouse, Joseph Sankey |
Make | Sankey, Sankey, Brockhouse, Brockhouse, Brockhouse, Brockhouse, Sankey, Sankey, Sankey, Sankey, Sankey, Brockhouse, Brockhouse, Sankey |
Model | Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (200 gallon) 2wh |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403, 06403 |
Quantity | 180, 180, 80, 80, 5, 5, 1000, 203, 797, 350, 350, 133, 133, 72 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : H236 M42048 / 2644 16,000 2/52 KP804-0 Date Contract No. ૬૧ ( 2 13.12.51 . 6 / Jeh / 73190 J. Sankey / Veh / 8001 4 . TRAILER Contractor I TON 3.3.54 ( / V22 / 13975 19.11.536 / Vah | 13932 MS Form 28 2 W / IL WATER TANKER200 Sankey 610 294-49-915 150 2935.1790 - Sonky 610294-79-915 al 200 GAL 29351218 Bittouse . 610294-79-896 . 2935-2218 MKI Quantity W. B. Bawn & leo , ( d ) 180 Yank W. B. Bawns a leo . ( Besty ) Brockhouse « ( bhassis ) 5 28.5.52 6 Jeh / 9917 W.B. Bawn & he . ( Booty ! 18.10.5176 / Vel / 5002 ( Brockhouse " ( bhassis ) 5 17.7.52 6 / Vel / 9513 sentivel ( threwstung ) ( stank ) 1000 13.12.51 . 6 / Veh / 7319 Sanbey & Jons . ( 203 bhaseis ) ) Sons . ( 197 : 1000 6.3.52 . 6 / Vek ( 8442 .. Jankay + Sons . ( Chassis ) 180 each 195 350 15.8.52 6 / Ven / 10681 pickleover Transport ( Jank ) | Lankey & Sens . ( Chassis ) 350 6.3.52 Veh 9442 80 each 80 16.8.52 . L / Neh 110632 mickleover Transport ( Janks ) 133 26.8.52 67/8001 1. Bruckhouse ( Chassis ) 133 Per - * 4 Contract Price £ d . 6.3 each 250 +78 S. in 46 250 00 each 203 10 each 250 each 8 25 13 of 207 10 8 10 each 29.5 each 193 18 6 Esch 193 186 3:20 19 @ Carr . Charge la 300 90 each 230 15 Free Issues € 120.00 99-1-0 20102 h120.00 E99-7-0 P.I.P. 5 % 9120.0.9 1 % 3 % 499-7-01 5 % 2-10 / 2 Average Price L120.00 £ 99-7-0 £ 120.0.01 10 % 5 % 299-70 CD120.0.0 . 499-7-0 GALL . 110-0-0 Tooling Cost Price € S. d . Royalty Charge gal 200 OBR . cah / 16100 Negn / Lacinte Robo O0 each 210-2-027-30 2.11.0 RAF : ADMY · € 3-1-7 . 2.11.0 2.11.2 2.11.0 CAT . No. a N No. FV . 2401 B. ) O Remarks 인인 감 ADOS with Dist * Andr 1. mg 2/4/5 myo F ( A ) 200 gal takk & filler . far R.Q.7 . Demand . ST . RAF Bao ( R. Q. F. Demand . 67300 VOR Tank ) in 395 VPNIH KY7000 £ 670 List WI / WA / ME / 2 / 14182 Sentinel ( Shumebung ) 2 9. Dankiy ( lohnoore ) 1d VPN 1/64 395 3 Ea 491 2 2 17 6 % $ 400-10.9.2011 8 treshe s effe adether these D Уже sume Ha IN ₂2 3 % 3 % Penya 5 % Filter . see over . REGN tank & fillen . 200 gal Adaurally Demand . additional cost . Sper 9116. FUDE Jayr You . Dost . preces of 1Rogal water squiplisel Tupo Ar 6/1/1968 com 1 = tion 5.3 . PR |