Back to 06 Vehicle Contract Ledgers


Image details

Asset code 1 5430, 5430, 5410, 5410
Asset code 2 4735, 4735, 4732, 4732
Contract date 1953-05-28 00:00:00.000, 1954-10-01 00:00:00.000, 1953-03-02 00:00:00.000, 1952-09-10 00:00:00.000
Contract number 6/V/16201, 6/V/9385, 6/V/10710, 6/V/9385
Contractor Strachans Successors, Rubery Owen, Strachans Successors, Rubery Owen
Make Rubery Owen, Rubery Owen, Rubery Owen, Rubery Owen
Model Semi-Trailer 10 ton Instrument Repair Workshop 2wh Unfitted Mk 2 (AA Fire Control Repair), Semi-Trailer 10 ton Instrument Repair Workshop 2wh Unfitted Mk 2 (AA Fire Control Repair), Semi-Trailer 10 ton Instrument Repair Workshop 2wh Fitted Mk 2 (AA Fire Control Repair), Semi-Trailer 10 ton Instrument Repair Workshop 2wh Fitted Mk 2 (AA Fire Control Repair)
Wartime number , , ,
X page 06203, 06203, 06203, 06203
Quantity 42, 42, 101, 319
Transcription DESIGNATION :
( 6/53 ) S10354 M68086 Wt.7305 D1274 1/54 20M T & Co . G834 .
Contract No.
Samir , - Trailer , 18- Jon , Dwsin
Workshops Instinment Repair inks . I
( A.A. Fire Control Repair ,
tode 580-502-39-15 ) ( My fatted ) S440-4732 . 580-802-09-157 ( fitted )
MS Form 28
28.5 . Sis ( / Vahe / 160201 ssiachans Succ's 10.546 ( 9385 Luberof Oman .
7/6 10 2.3.536 / Veh / 10710 Strachans Succession 101 ( Bodies only )
of . 42
10.9.526 / Veh / 9385 Rubery Owen & Co. Ltd. 319 ( Trailers only )
Contract Price Tooling Free
d . Charge Assues
in 1,343 the 1948 3 4 £ 4713-60 12 9 7 %
ea 1436 7 7
CAT . NO . AV . 3703 A ( X )
R. & D.
Carr . Charge
Cost Price £ S.
Prices quoted separately on : 18.7.57 to F6P / 3 Air Ministry , Harrogate - as requested .
d .
570 170 285000
57 see 6 / Ven / 9385 .
£ 59 5 % 5 % 1 % 1650 00
350.0-0 unequipped
ea 1380 77
5 % 5 % 1 % 15500
281615 2 3 % 34 % 5 % 5 % 100 3300 complet
$ 200
5 % 1 % 1650 00 body based on C.C.R.
#Average prive per
dated 8. 6.55 .
+4 . Ventilating Fan Units , no . 2 , meark I ( LVG / MT4 / MW / 1721C ) at £ 14 " 155. each Avuage prise per o trailer including tooling charges , based
on 13.9.56 M.96 in contract file ) . - This figure excludes any . front dolly ( FV . for 2751 ) Dissued on t embodiment
Town for itern 3 ( 9ty.78 )
only for
14250 vitap fou the comp isto