Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1942-10-17 00:00:00.000, 1946-03-20 00:00:00.000, 1945-08-21 00:00:00.000, 1951-11-19 00:00:00.000, 1942-10-17 00:00:00.000, 1946-03-20 00:00:00.000, 1951-11-19 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 23/S945, 23/8451, 23/S8179, 6/V/8776, 23/S945, 23/S8179, 6/V/8776 |
Contractor | Multiwheeler, Weymans, Tecalemit, Tecalemit, Multiwheeler, Weymans, Tecalemit |
Make | Multiwheeler, Weymans, Tecalemit, Tecalemit, Multiwheeler, Weymans, Tecalemit |
Model | Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Servicing Equipment Petrol 4wh |
Wartime number | , , , , , , |
X page | 06451, 06451, 06451, 06451, 06451, 06451, 06451 |
Quantity | , , , 100, , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : 1571686642 50m 10/44 ( 89267 ) 58521/4870 50m 3'45 M & C Ltd. 51/1 TRAILER , 2 TON , 4 WHEELED , Date Contract No. Contractor Quantity 17.10.42 2.3151.945 Multiwheelers , bhassis 20/106 20-3-46 23/8451 Weymanns . body 24.8.45 23 / 5.8179 Jecaleint lequpiment / Vel / 8976 Jecalemit Equipment . 20-3-46 23/38/79 tode No. 620 476-05-176 ? 620 876-79-183 P 17.10.42 23/5 945 Multiwheelers Chassis 1946 945 8776 8407 complete with Petrol Driven SERVICING EQUIPMENT . } + 50 % . 1948 23/58/79 Waymand Body + 30 % 1948 Free Issues Per ea Contract 6 / Vel / 8776 is for Equipe : Contract Price £ d . 160 10 160 S. w 1 170 505 10 1 1 * 60 each 669 6 5 * 40 - Trailes , bargo . ( not shor's only ) - 1. Revised bhanis Body bach 160 100 75 00 87 180 Eagle 60 480 17 594 5 71 % Costed Price £ S. d . 208.00 19.11.51 6 / Voh / 8776 Tecalemist Equipment " " Ceverage Bach 639 6 1839 61 Mounted on FV . 2502 A. Mounted o + 35 % + 9 % 74 hasters 263 5.0 16000 67000 160 00 299000 % 70² PP . 1. ? & C Ace otro Totes 260 Free Issues £ 15 Bright ( TSH ) Sighete S. d . - Tuo o JODING مربع سمه عمر and 199000 вая рор Basie Cost Price Вані £ 119.11.11 % 87. £ 1290.0.0 . 5 $ CAT . NO . DRWG . No INSPN . B.6.P. £ 500 Jw / M.K. 13 or reb , 2 leqrafiment Fre Supply & fit Decalemit Transportatile Servicing thnits cat . SOOS PRICE conditioned Trailer 2 ton 4 wild chassis , Supply of Secalemit Transportable Servicing Units bat , SM , 8352 , is be crated for UK delivery CoN . BCH . Remarks CON / T.1 ) FOLIO 261 Trailer 2 lon 4 wh , as at 125.0.7 . ( R ) 8.9.52 FV2502 . Chassis only Lecalemit équipt . A 1300 ine 11/0 ہو & Buitcom 20/4/45 . 4 ) IGOH ( 1 ) Wa alsia |