Image details
Asset code 1 | 3060, 3060, 3060, 3060, 3060, 3060 |
Asset code 2 | 0832, 0832, 0832, 0832, 0832, 0832 |
Contract date | 1952-06-19 00:00:00.000, 1953-12-23 00:00:00.000, 1952-10-07 00:00:00.000, 1953-12-29 00:00:00.000, 1954-04-08 00:00:00.000, 1954-09-24 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/5529, 6/V/9280, 6/V/10235, 6/V/10235, 6/V/15711, 6/V/10235 |
Contractor | Rover, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel |
Make | Rover, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel, Sentinel |
Model | Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh, Trailer 2 ton Flat Platform Low Loading 4wh |
Wartime number | , , , , , |
X page | 06465, 06465, 06465, 06465, 06465, 06465 |
Quantity | 2, 777, 2300, 2299, 6, 2474 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Trailer 2 ton 40/24 Hat Platform - Low hoading Date Contract No. Contractor 19.6.52 6 / Veli / 5529 Rover to hid Ltd lode . 620137-09-931.V 3060.0832 MS Form 28 Quantity Average VPN 1/64 2 23.12.536 / VEH / G280 sentinel . 577 26 1545 126 ta 7.10.52 . u / tch / 10235 sentinel dhrustury ) ( lhoosin ) 2.300 each 495 15 . 4 . 9/10/52 12 Flat Platform Beloading 29.12.53 2 / 1kh / 1003 5 Sintinel ( Shruvsdurust 3.299 8. s . 54 6 // el / 15711 | Sentival ( throughway ) t 2474 24.9.54 4 / 4L / 10035 ( average Sentinel ( Struwsbury ) 2.299 24.9.546 / VEH / 10235 489 288 Contract Price d . Prototype Bach 1973 10 L Per Ea the 579 1010 in ameiſt niches Amost Wo . e . 5 % sa 545 3 9 + su below 7 % Carr . Free Tooling Charge P.I.P. Issues , Royalty Charge HQ IN 19 18 150 5 % $ £ Ignore . Z Cost Price S. d . 3.7.12 3 · 2 · 12 610 00 each 570 105-11 5700 55000 3.10.8 37-44 5 % X70 650 .. 2383 3.10.8 5 % 650 € -3.10.8 CAT . No. F250 2 A 12502A DRWG . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . w / out- meedwings with mudrwings Nicoling charge - $ 2985-0-0 Lump Remarks Prototyp Light Alloy Wheels Tyres Tubes & Flaps 4 . 9.00 × 16 573-19.8 673 3 104 792 - R671.8.1 ( . * . ( 1682 al 2537.10.05 He with Phat platsern . 39 In 600 47 170.0 % 670.00 11/12/57 Eu 600 4 7 197 5 % 3 % 31 / 4 % 5 % 3-10-8 41000 Law 577 / 14 / Ziele |